Originally Posted by
Black kangaroo
mura man sab ug bruce willis ang opaw

That's because
THAT IS Bruce Willis. *shakes head*

Originally Posted by
most likely ingani gyud sho!

"most likely"?
The 4 NSW squads that were involved in OP Geronimo were a DA (direct action) force, differentiated from an SR (surveillance/recon), or a QRF (quick reaction force). The SEALs in the "Tears of the Sun" movie were geared more like an SR force, considering the fact that they wore no kevlar armor (PACA) or plates (MBSS PC).
A more accurate image of OP Geronimo DA loadout would be like this:
Which means the presence PACA+MBSS+ballistic helmet(MICH2000/2002 or IBH), except maybe the BDU could be black/night or the new AOR2.