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  1. #351

    CNN's piece on DevGru's raid:

    (click to view)


    Details of the raid itself:

    Osama bin Laden raid yields trove of computer data

    The assault force of Navy SEALs snatched a trove of computer drives and disks during their weekend raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, yielding what a U.S. official called “the mother lode of intelligence.”

    The special operations forces grabbed personal computers, thumb drives and electronic equipment during the lightning raid that killed bin Laden, officials told POLITICO.

    “They cleaned it out,” one official said. “Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?”

    U.S. officials are about to find out. The material is being examined at a secret location in Afghanistan.

    “Hundreds of people are going through it now,” an official said, adding that intelligence operatives back in Washington are very excited to find out what they have.

    “It’s going to be great even if only 10 percent of it is actionable,” the official said.

    Savoring the military and intelligence triumph, officials late Monday described new details about how the mission unfolded:

    The SEALs took fire on their way to the compound’s third floor, where bin Laden had been sleeping, officials said. The encounter with bin Laden lasted only seconds, and ended with a kill shot to his face.

    The team’s photos of bin Laden are gruesome, complicating officials’ deliberations about whether to release them.

    Officials also have images of bin Laden in a white shroud before his burial at sea.

    The raid was not supposed to last more than 30 minutes. The forces finished in 38 minutes, even though they lost one of their choppers and had to go to a back-up plan.

    Four helicopters were used in the raid. Two went in, and two were in reserve.

    Hovering above the compound on the way in, one of the choppers developed a mechanical problem that caused it to lose lift, officials said. The pilot made a controlled landing, according to the officials. When he couldn’t get the bird airborne again, the SEALs blew it up and left in one of the reserves.

    Officials described the reaction of the special operators when they were told a number of weeks ago that they had been chosen to train for the mission.

    “They were told, ‘We think we found Osama bin Laden, and your job is to kill him,’” an official recalled.

    The SEALs started to cheer.

    Radioing a commander on Sunday, the team reported the capture with a pre-arranged signal: “Geronimo!

    Last edited by Sand Man; 05-04-2011 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #352
    Elite Member noy.juan's Avatar
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    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by chken View Post

    AFAIK chuck norris is a honorary member of USMC

    Quote Originally Posted by botoy0917 View Post
    Guantanamo Bay files leak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    a friend gave me this link..

    mayta way mag wild sa nahitabo run.. kay nah... intel says that Al Qaeda possesses nuclear capacity.. holy crap!! @_@

    take wikipedia with a bag of salt, its full of crap... friends dont share crap

    Quote Originally Posted by adminroot View Post
    BREAKING NEWS: Chuck Norris returns from trip to Pakistan. Coincidence? I think not.
    duda ko mao ni ang rason pero

    Quote Originally Posted by ongkal View Post
    yes pero take note sad nga dili ra America. everything goes to shit and we forget the other countries that participated. what about UK? Germany? France? Canada? Australia? etc. Philippines gani mismo gisupport ra ang US sa ilang gibuhat. that does not make us innocent.

    I bet when the Libyan crisis further escalates, many countries will still blame the US even if ang France ang nangusog sa pagbomba sa Libya.
    we didnt support it, we are a member of UN Security council and its our duty to respond its call. our mission to iraq is sanction by UN not by jorji-dubya
    filipino troops are not involved on the fighting we are there as doctors, engineers basicly reabuilding it...


    they are entitled to their opinion, and so do i!!

  3. #353

  4. #354

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    now that he's dead, who will be the next osama?

  5. #355

    Default Satellite imagery of the compound

    Up until last year (2010):

    Last Monday (May 2, 2011) -- klaro kaayo ang sunog na helicopter.

    This one-meter resolution image shows a walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. According to news reports Abbottabad is the town where Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces. The image was collected by the IKONOS satellite on May 2, 2011 at 10:51 a.m. local time while flying 423 miles above the Earth at an average speed of 17,000 mph, or four miles per second. Photo courtesy of GeoEye

    Last edited by Sand Man; 05-04-2011 at 11:42 AM.

  6. #356

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    payter sa US navy seals team six oi... idola.... mao ni klaro nga Special OPS...

  7. #357

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    pics of Obama with his national security team at white house following the events on the Binladen operation :
    ON THIS HOUR: Obama and his national security team following events in the Bin Laden operation

  8. #358

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    unless walay picture, aha ko too? motoo mo iyang lawas gitambog og gilobong sa dagat?..

  9. #359

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    hmmm di raman si osama ang kalaban... nganu victorious man kayo ang dating? have they forgotten how many people are like him out there?

  10. #360

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by orochimaru700 View Post
    payter sa US navy seals team six oi... idola.... mao ni klaro nga Special OPS...
    I thought bisan kinsa ra from the Navy pwede moapply aning SEALs, hand-picked man jud diay ni sila.


    Who are the Navy SEALs?

    The U.S. Navy began establishing SEAL teams in 1962 in response to President John F. Kennedy's desire for the nation's armed services to develop an unconventional warfare capability. This group would be important in completing mission that large forces, such as ships, tanks and jets, cannot.

    The Navy SEALs are trained to conduct operations in small units and then return to a river, ocean, delta or coastline.This capability is important now more than ever because half the world's population and infrastructure is located within one-half mile of an ocean or river.

    The Navy SEALs are made up of 2,500 active duty, male officers from either the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps.

    There are nine active-duty SEAL teams. Four are located on the East Coast and four on the West Coast, with the remaining team being the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team.

    The SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team is aquatic unit that is trained in hand-to-hand combat and underwater demolition. They operate a manned submersible vehicle that delivers Navy SEALs and equipment for special operations missions that may take place in denied access areas or areas held by hostile forces.

    There are also two reserve SEAL teams composed of SEALs who want to continue their service after they leave active-duty.

    How do SEALs train?

    Beginning in boot camp, the training of a Navy SEAL takes at least 1 1/2 years to complete. Once a SEAL has joined his team, he will train for around another year prior to his deployment.

    A Navy SEAL spends his day constantly learning to improve and refine his skills through teamwork. Physical training is completed daily to keep each SEAL in peak physical condition, as well as whatever additional training or operations is required by the SEAL's particular unit. A SEAL's training is never over; he must constantly enhance his skills throughout his career.

    SEAL training is regarded worldwide as the toughest training program for special operations officers. The drop-out rate for aspiring SEALs is around 80 percent.

    While Navy SEAL Team 6 was training for this mission the group didn't even know who they may come upon when it was finally "go" time.

    How are SEAL teams assembled?

    The SEAL Teams are divided into two different groups: Naval Special Warfare Group One (on the West Coast) and the Naval Special Warfare Group Two (on the East Coast). Each SEAL team has a staff headquarters element and three groups of 40-manned troops.

    Each of these troops can be organized into four squads, or eight four- to five-man man fire teams, depending on the troops' operations.

    The group that carried out the attack on bin Laden's compound is known as Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or "DEVGRU." This group is made up of a few hundred self-dubbed "quiet professionals," who are based out of Dam Neck, VA.

    This is the same group that rescued U.S. hostage Richard Phillips form a lifeboat taken over by Somali pirates. The group is regarded as "the elite of the elite."

    What is the role of SEALs?

    The Navy SEALs are called upon to complete missions of strategic importance to the country.

    They have many different mission types and have been involved in numerous missions in past wars. The mission types include direct action, special reconnaissance, counter terrorism and foreign internal defense.

    This includes raids, assaults, ambushes on enemy targets, tracking the enemy, gathering information about beach and water conditions prior to a beach landing, action against terrorist groups to prevent terrorist activities and assisting foreign counterparts to increase their capacity to respond to threats.

    Other missions the SEALs have participated in include counter-drug operations and personnel recovery.

    The SEALs have executed missions dating back to Vietnam, Persian Gulf and Panama. Most recently, they have worked in the Afghanistan and the Iraq wars.

    To many, Navy SEAL Team 6 are the closest thing we'll get to real-life super heroes.

    These highly trained, super elite forces secretly took off in the night and in less than an hour returned with a successful mission under the belts - probably the biggest victory ever against terrorism.


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