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  1. #181

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Oh come on Foxy, get real! At least give a year or a place or something to go on. I'm not clairvoyant!

  2. #182

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    do you have any links? how bout those bombings carried out by al qaeda on innocent civilians in iraq, pakistan and other arab countries?

  3. #183

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Oh come on Foxy, get real! At least give a year or a place or something to go on. I'm not clairvoyant!
    it was all over google. it was released last year, and it was in Iraq. jeez, here
    Last edited by DeathFox; 05-02-2011 at 10:27 PM.

  4. #184

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    1st Gaddafi son died...Prince William marries..Pope John beatified and now Osama died...wheww'!

  5. #185

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathFox View Post
    it was all over google. it was released last year, and it was in Iraq.

    Last year in Iraq?

    How exactly did that cause Bin Laden to snap? He declared war on America in 1998 and attacked the Twin Towers in 2001. Was he zooming around in a time machine when he snapped?

  6. #186

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by kuyabog View Post
    why are so called Christians rejoicing?

    if one rejoices over the death of a terrorist, what makes you different from them?
    I say rejoice for JUSTICE, not in the DEATH of the wicked.

  7. #187

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Last year in Iraq?

    How exactly did that cause Bin Laden to snap? He declared war on America in 1998 and attacked the Twin Towers in 2001. Was he zooming around in a time machine when he snapped?
    oh c'mon.. your now being an idiot. i said as as example of American murders that were covered up. EXAMPLE. How many more were successfully covered in the past.

    and Osama was under the support of the good old US of A before his "WAR" with them. Now why would someone go against their ally just like that. not to mention that he was a man of peace and also filthy rich before he became a psycho. >_>

  8. #188

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Last year in Iraq?

    How exactly did that cause Bin Laden to snap? He declared war on America in 1998 and attacked the Twin Towers in 2001. Was he zooming around in a time machine when he snapped?
    as far as I know osama bin laden declared war against the us when saudi refused help from the al qaeda which afterwards osama declared a holy war against the US and saudi for being infidels...

  9. #189

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by wilhelm_conrad View Post
    as far as I know osama bin laden declared war against the us when saudi refused help from the al qaeda which afterwards osama declared a holy war against the US and saudi for being infidels...
    that was already after Obama transformed into a monster, thanks to the good ol US of A. The CIA to be precise

  10. #190

    Default re: MERGED: Osama Bin Laden is dead.. (White House confirms)

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathFox View Post
    that was already after Obama transformed into a monster, thanks to the good ol US of A. The CIA to be precise
    huh? i never thought that obama was made into a monster by the CIA? it seems like you hate the US that much....

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