all three witnesses retracted their complaints

are you kidding me

I don't know about you but I smell something fishy here...
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Mayor Soc instead shows retraction of complaint
By Garry Cabotaje
Sun.Star Staff Reporter
TALISAY City Mayor Socrates “Soc” Fernandez’s adopted son, Joavan, who stands accused in two separate criminal cases, did not show up yesterday at City Hall to turn himself in to local authorities.
Instead, it was the mayor who faced the media and waved the affidavits of desistance executed separately by three shooting victims—Timoteo Aleo, Edmund Ong, and Carlos dela Calzada.
Their affidavits cleared Joavan as the one responsible for the Aug. 29 twin shooting incidents in Barangays Cansojong and Dumlog that killed 49-year-old driver Panfilo Barinque.
Local reporters from radio, TV and print were called to a press conference in the mayor’s office for the voluntary surrender of 23-year-old Joavan yesterday morning.
It never happened.
“I’m not protecting my son, I’m for justice and truth,” said Fernandez as he denied insinuations that the three victims recanted their statements against Joavan in exchange for monetary considerations.
Fernandez said the three wounded victims executed the affidavits “out of their own conviction without any influence from him or from any other persons.”
Despite Joavan’s absence, the mayor still assured that his son would surrender to the police even before the Regional Trial Court in Cebu City, where a murder case was filed for the death of Barinque, could release an arrest warrant.
The Talisay City Pro-secutor’s Office forwarded the murder case to the court last week, stating that Aleo’s positive identification of Joavan “far outweighs the defense of alibi by the respondent to establish probable cause.”
Meanwhile, Talisay City Police Station (TCPS) Chief Romeo Perigo was surprised to hear of the sudden change of heart of three shooting victims who earlier identified Joavan as the alleged gunman in the Aug. 29 twin shooting incidents.
full story
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