Am just helping a friend..........
Concrete Rooms w/ own entrance door, walking distance from Capitol bldg.. w/ own sink, CR, cabinet, bed w/ foam for 2 persons, curtains, window grills, key to the main gate, electric and water sub - mtrs. accessible by public transportation since it is in between 2 roads, Villalon drive and P.Clavano st. Cebu City.No garrage.
Available now.Door #9 ground floor double deck w/ foam @ 2.5 K, Door#14 third floor standard bed w/ foam @3.3K. Door # 10 second floor standard bed w/ foam @ 3.5K standard bed....No garrage.1mo. deposit + 1mo. advance.
If your facing Capitol bldg. at the right side road you can see mayflower inn, thats Villalon drive, just proceed the road will elevate and forms a Y shape, at the right side of the Y you can see an orange house w/ AWC signage just look for Arsing coz the key is w/ her.
You may contact her # 09275630149 or his son marlon 09275630149 for viewing.
For more details and negotiations contact the owners # 09497175260 or landline 032- 2551106