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  1. #71

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    i miss my hubby right now... headblockx888

  2. #72

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    c wormwood kay cge lang ko smile ato nya..

  3. #73

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    Omg! I've read your recent posts and they're dated this week lang.... I didn't know you were still active.. well maybe you come and go lang... how come you never hit me a message like a simple hi or 'what's up'?! you've changed, really..... i missed the old you.....

  4. #74

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    Christine S.N!

  5. #75

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    tanan kai sadja if daghan hehe

  6. #76
    Food Trail Junkie beyee's Avatar
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    May 2003
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    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    my good friend, chanel... though we chat almost every night but still having her around would be even great...
    "People who love to eat are always the BEST people."
    Julia Child

  7. #77

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    akong mga ka batch dri sa kabuang.... labi na sa mga tc boys...
    kuya rigor kuya pgm kuya toy kuya jaggy kuya pits kuya shadz og si uncle tolits
    hoi asa namo pamalik namo diri kay manghasik nasad ta :P

  8. #78

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    kana gi ngalan ug bruce.... brad, busy nman ka kaau LOL

  9. #79

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    c gerocelle..

  10. #80

    Default Re: Istoryan member that you miss so much?

    wa pa kay newbie pa man gud ko...

  11.    Advertisement

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