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  1. #31

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    dili na tinuod

  2. #32

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    mao ba? ang ingon lagi nila kay ang humba mka tambok dli ang tubig? libog ko dah

  3. #33

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    Tubig makatambok kon before sa pag inom pwerting habhab sa letchon nya way pasingut or exercise

  4. #34

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    ayayay, karun lang nako ni basahi da!, undangun na nako inum ug tubig -- makabutirik diay ni
    pero padayun sa beer lala ky nindot paminaw inig ka human, lol

  5. #35
    Elite Member PEDR0's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    absent cguro na sila pag diskas ni mam

  6. #36

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    atik ra na.

  7. #37

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    estoryaheee... if makatambok ang wala untay mga nutritionists nga mohatag ug advise to drink lots of water..

  8. #38

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    How to get rid of belly fat?
    Instead of suggesting you to adhere to torturous fat-burning exercises or operating gym machines or treadmill what I suggest you to follow are being mentioned below as the dos and dons to prevent formation of fat over belly.
    Walk for two to three miles every day in the morning and evening.
    Stand always with your straightened torso. Even when sitting you should ensure that upper part of your body remain at 90 degree angle.
    Drink the lemon tea sans milk- Tasting citrus the lemon tea taken four times a day has got to reduce your weight outstandingly. Though fat from all parts of your body will vanish amazingly the belly fat will take some time in disappearing. Do make intemperance of lemon in frustration as it may turn you skinny.
    If you have been away from your partner for several months or have not been engaged in *** you should have *** with her two times a week for the sake of yours reducing weight of your body and lessening the bulkiness of belly as well.
    Shed all the worrying issues from your mind that seem to embarrass you causing grave mental frustration by simply plunging into convivial activities ecstatically. Those who do not do anything to recover their mind from tension are affected with many health related complications including the belly fat.
    Last but not the least is the drinking of excessive water and consumption of salad before seizing upon the plate of delicious food items. Nabbing what causes belly fat you’ve got to get rid of such paranoia successfully.
    Last edited by monrose29; 04-23-2011 at 07:13 AM.

  9. #39

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"

    @moonrose hahaha mao mao

  10. #40

    Default Re: "Ngano man muingun sila na ang tubig makatambok?"


    nice info labi na ang partner partner

  11.    Advertisement

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