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Who is Jesus Christ?
JESUS CHRIST is Alpha & Omega, Beginning and the End, Creator, The First and the Last, Fountain of Life , Almighty Healer, Balm of Gilead, Great Physician, Good Shepherd, Rock of Ages, Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Bright & Morning Star, Dayspring from on High, Honey in the Rock , Miracle worker, The Sun of Righteousness, The Pearl of Great Price, Prince of Peace, Atonement, Advocate, Chief Cornerstone, Intercessor, High Priest, Husbandman, Head of the Church, Horn of Salvation, Messiah, Mediator, Minister, Mercy Seat, Redeemer , Redemption, Resurrection, Sanctification, Wonderful Saviour, Bridegroom, Builder, Brother, Burden bearer, Door, Gate, Our Exceeding Great Reward, Anchor, Assurance, Ointment poured forth, Compassion, Counselor, Comforter, Covenant, Confidence, Consolation, Covert from the Tempest, Buckler, Defense, Deliverer, Dwelling Place, Fortress, Faithful Friend, Guide, Hope, Helper, Habitation, Health of my countenance, Keeper, Lifter up of mine head, Lamp, Lawgiver, Provider, Potter, Refuge, Rest, Restorer, Strength, Shield, Strong Tower, Shade, Shadow from the heat, Sure Foundation, Source, Strong Rock, Our Stay, Love, Joy, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness. Gracious, Faithfulness, Forgiveness, Longsuffering, Meekness, Merciful, Peace, Patience, Author & Finisher of our Faith, Amazing Grace, My Meat (his flesh), My Drink (his blood), My All in All, My Maker, My Portion, My Example, My Song, Branch of the Lord, Lamb of God, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lord of the Sabbath, Teacher, Master, Ruler of Creation, Leader, The Captain of the Host of the Lord, Yeshua, Adonai, Elohim, Elyon, Jehovah, Immanuel, Holy God, He that is with us, King of Kings, Everlasting King, Lord of Lords, Lord of All, God the Son, Son of the Most High God, Gift of God, Everlasting God , Mighty God, Most Upright , Lord God Almighty, God of the whole earth, True and Living God, All Powerful, Altogether Lovely One, Anointed, All Sufficient, Just One, Light of the world, True Light, Living Water, Living word, Living Stone, Living Bread, The True Bread from Heaven , True Vine , The Only True God, Judge of the all the earth, King of Glory, The Truth, The Way and The Life, Eternal Life, Wisdom of God, Worthy of all Praise, Spirit of Counsel and Might, Beloved ,The Most Blessed forever, Crowned with Glory and Honor, Image of the Invisible God, King Forever & Ever, He that is Alive for evermore, He that shall have Dominion, He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth, He that is worthy to open The Book of Life. Alleluia! AMEN!!!