i have heard about sen legarda's stand about lifting of the travel ban. hope more govt officials will realize that its about time that the travel ban will be lifted..
i have heard about sen legarda's stand about lifting of the travel ban. hope more govt officials will realize that its about time that the travel ban will be lifted..
Regardless the ban was lifted or not, it does not make any difference.
Morag formalities lang kunohay nga ge-lift.
I used to work in an equipment control division deploying trailers and HETs to Iraq.
During that period, naka imposed pa ang travel ban to Iraq.
Yet our company sends back and forth Filipino drivers to transport goods to Iraq.
One time, out of curiosity I asked my Brit boss how they managed to send off Pinoy drivers to Iraq.
He replied to me with a smile and said "thanks to your corrupt DFA officers" we're able to obtain Phillippine passports issued to these drivers with no Travel ban stamp for just 5K each.
Last edited by miramax; 04-18-2011 at 04:23 PM.
@miramax.. that is extactly my point or illegal, mao ra gihapon..mas lisod pa hinoon kung legal(or lifted na ang ban) na kay di najud ni macontrol. karon man gani na illegal(naay ban) lusot man gani sa DFA. Di gihapon kapogong ang DFA/Embassy sa mga pinoy nga didto patrabahoon sa gawas sa green zone kay walay policing power ang ato embassy didto. & para sad sa ako..for sure, mogamay na sugod ang sweldo sa mga OFW nga nagwork diha sa Iraq (supply & demand).
We are still far from our dream jud (while naa pay corruption). Good luck sa mga moapply nig ka lift sa ban...
Morag na lift naman gyud cguro ang ban? menos naman jud ang remuneration package sa Iraq karon compare before kato kainitan pa sa gyera.
In fact, daghan na drayber prefferred local trips rather than Iraq bound trips kay gamay ra man kaayo ang dugang unya tagdugay kabalik. Ang only advantage before was for every trip/travel to Iraq naay so-called "trip allowance" but they cut it down from the original 10% of your gross pay to 1% na lang.
It's not worth it.
@miramax: just as i have suspected. mao jud na mahitabo bai, kadtong gipangstorya nga dako kaayo sweldo didto IRAQ tungod rana sa risk pag-adto..but once ma lift na, syempre moubos nasad ang sweldo. well, we'll see nalng jud bai kung unsay ayo aning ilang gibuhat nga pag lift.
@miramax: mao ba bai?! dako man gud to ug sweldo saunang na Ban pa. karon nga di na ban, ila guro nang i cancel ang contract para mag open og lain nya mas gamay na og sweldo. eventually mao man jud ni mahitabo..sauna taas og risk, taas jud ang sweldo (in Iraq's case ang pag BAN)..pero if di na gani, aw sure ba kaha ta ani nga mosunod ni sa standard sweldo (as set by POEA "not less than 500USD" for DH pa gani ha)?.
Usahay,we know something wrong is going to happen...pero unsaon ta man, politico naman ang nag-ingon.. manguros nalng ta sugod ani bai..wehehe
Let me highlight on a news article where the Ambassador of Iraq mentioned what type of workers needed, with this it will somehow enlighten readers. Dili ra exclusive to logistics are trabaho sa Iraq, the demand is mostly in the field of construction and healthcare. Daghan kayo sila gipangita nga nurses and the fact nga daghan kaayo ta ug nursing graduates nga walay trabaho or tua sa mga call centers.
Iraq is now an open country, mas conservative pa man gani ang ubang middle eastern countries kung buot huna hunaon. For those who refuse the idea, they will always find reasons why this ban should not be lifted. Fact remains that plenty of us Filipinos are riskling their lives even in war torn countries just to have a better pay para naay ipa kaon sa ilang pamilya.
Even with the on going crisis in Japan plenty of our ofws remained because there is no work waiting for them here. How about the 15,000 workers who stayed in LibyaThey also remained there because of the same reason.
you are wrong on this bai, site valid reasons why the salaries will be lower? by not lifting the travel ban our workers are MORE at risk!!! Why? That means these workers are undocumented and are not recognized by our government, therefore they are not getting the government mandated benefits of OFWS such as OWWA and POEA assistance. And since they are undocumented that's precisely the reason why some employees take advantage of our fellow filipinos because by simply taking the job despite the ban that is a major sign of DESPERATION from the employee.
Now if this ban is lifted, employers and even recruitment agencies are enforced to follow certain policies and laws. That in effect protects our workers, and that provides a higher pay since certain benefits will be provided.
@ storya
unya bro, daghan nangaply diha sa atua karon paanhi ug Iraq? nalift naman jud neh ang ban noh? or wala pa? Ang ako ge-share bro base sa actual facts nga ako na witness daghan man gud ko kaila gawork didto, kadaghanan nila ne-croos country mostly nebalhin sa Qatar or Afghanistan kay ang offer is pareha man sa ila usual pay nga genadawat while kato naa pa sila gawork sa Iraq.
Ako ma-advise sa ato mga kababayan sgurohon lang nga sakto ug klaro ang kontrata.
Pero mao sad lage tungod sa kalisud usahay mosugal na lang ang ubang Pinoy pwerte naman gud paglisud nato ron sa Pinas.
Sakto ka bro, Kami bitaw dia na sa Middle east di mi basta2 mouli diha simbako lang magkainunsa.
Ang mga allied forces man gud bro gepang-pull out na, ang uban gepauli while others were redeployed in Qatar or Afghanistan. Dili lang baya logistics biz ang apektado hasta man sad mga clerical/admin fields.
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