The last time i checked the Spanish converted us into Christians, they never wiped us out, they never sold us to global slave trade, they facilitate our livelihoods, bring law and order to our society, teach us morals, educate us, introduce paid labour (slaves dont get paid), they had define our territorial boundaries (we could have lost more than Sabah), etc. Now try to image what would had happened if the Spanish didn't bring the Cross instead they brought cannons. Will there be a Philippines today? imagine if there's no religion to put order into our world, do you think the world will reach this far? That's the issue, you are one of those people ungrateful on what religion had done to this world. You have no idea on what you are talking about. Dont confuse colonization with slavery! Nor Bloody revolt with killings.... What kind of people will not fire back when someone shoots at them
You speak highly on the Japanese but what did the Japanese did when they invaded us and other countries did they treat us as human? Have you heard of the Nanking massacre (they didtnt even spare children), Bataan death march, atrocities in Manila (rape, murder, looting), and atrocities elsewhere. This is the kind of society that will be present if there's no such thing as religion. Who will moralize them? Imagine these group of people committed to the inhumane treatment of their fellow human beings. In religion from other countries which kept this behaviour on check.
Even today, Child sexual exploitation is a norm in Japan.. this Mcdo ad is welcome addition lol.
and about China, you have no idea what going inside China and how about the inhumane treatment of Tibets. Communism? we cant even stand on Marcos when he took some of our freedom, what more if every aspect na gyud. Mao na imong gusto? migrate na lang ka sa China cause I can vouch for many Filipinos.. they dont like it either.