Usa sad ni sa namatyan ni rizal ning mga paria!!!!
what? demand jud? murag naka tag-iyas pilipinas? abi sikat man kaau ang advertisement mag apil2x dayon sila...
samoka aning mga church leaders uy..... wa pa gani na silay tax ge bayran... mag bo-ut2x pajud....
the blame should fall to the commercial's producer for their disregard on how young children should behave, i doubt children at that age these days wants to be in a relationship so that they could have a 25pesos french fries ?this commercial just paint bad picture to the youth minds and cheapen the meaning of relationship.
maybe its ok for some people to have their kids in a BFGF relationship at a tender age so they are pinning the Churchgood luck raising your kids.
^^ from the looks of those little kids? they don't even know what BFGF should do.... it's just plain friends to them... unless you let them access the internet and google what they should not do....
YouTube - McDonald's Philippines "Tweens" Long- Length TVC (2010)
this ad also has a bad side... by neglecting or being ashamed of your parents and buying food for your gf through your parents money...
I wonder why they didn't ban it? probably because it's not that famous as this new ad....?
It all boils down to parenting..... even if there's no McDonalds ad, if you don't know how to raise your kids... they will always end up as young ignorant parents.
jollibee probably is somewhat behind all of these.... marketing strategy.
Last edited by AntitaniC; 04-13-2011 at 02:51 PM.
maayo lang jud na sila mamantay sa uban oi. panamin pud intawn mo dre...
So what's new?
At least we know our priests do watch television...
they've already done that.... its worldwide...
I guess you're a bit outdated.... here.. they call it bahay bulilit...
Ronald McDonald House Charities - WikiPilipinas: The Hip 'n Free Philippine Encyclopedia
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