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  1. #11
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    OT@juan_carlos: ei there AF *patik*! batch 9 here. small world. HBABG.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    well i really love psyc pero i did not know that psych is that much fun until its too late.. i am a management accounting student though but i don't like math.. i love psych and philosopy and anything that has to do with the mind and how it works and reasoning... hehe and i also love politics... and english communication. waaaa daghan diay except math and filipino..

  3. #13

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    I took psychology for a year, that was the first ever course that I did at University...I decided to switch 'coz I thought na I don't think makaya nako mamati ug problema or issues sa uban tawo when I myself need fixing...ehehhe....

    when I was still doing psych..medyo baya proud ko adto kay I felt so smart doing the can tell through other people's reaction when they knew that you are a psych student...taas kaayo sila ug tan-aw nimo...ironically, my mother ended up finishing the degree and now she's doing a post graduate course in counselling....

    I have a question though, do you guys think that you're better than others because you've studied psychology? Sa tinood lang...can you guys say that psychologist are saner than non-psych kay mas in- control mo sa inyong behaviour?

    *naa may math gamay ang psychology...I did research methods 1...nangamote ko ani adto..igo lang gud intawon ko kapasar...had to remember all those formulas and had to study SPSS...mao man siguro tu...usa sad tung reason why i took the course kay i thought there was no maths...perting sigaha gud sa akong ilong when I knew na I had to do statistics...
    If you're going through hell, keep going - Winston Churchill

  4. #14

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    dessay, Thisbe paid me big time to type this for her while we are talking over the phone. Wala siya'y connection karon.

    hi dessay! Thanks so much for sharing. I can really relate to the statistics experience, it was hard enough to understand all theories, add all the mind-bugging stat problems--i was having second thoughts as to why I took this course in the first place. However, in later years, i was able to appreciate statistics most especially in my work experience.

    Hats off to your mom! You might want to invite her to join in this thread heheh.

    As per your question i'd like to answer that in a very individualistic point of view as i am but a mere drop in the ocean of psych majors. As for me, I don't feel superior or better than those who are otherwise. I wouldn't be too hypocritical as well to say that i dont feel good whenever people would overuse their misconception that "we can read minds" or "we can control our personalities and behavior" because in reality it does feel good and it feeds our ego. As much as it does make me feel good, I would never claim expertise to anything but I would always claim that I know from what i've learned in Psych (with all those journals and books and thesis and experiments, I should be able to get something out of it). Maybe what would supercede that is, we know more about theories of personality or how to recognize defenses, or what the causes and consequences might be in certain behaviors but it doesn't make us superior over anyone. This is the same as the concept of PolSci Majors not overshadowing others just because they know more about laws, constitution, etc. or Med grads, not feeling superior knowing the state of our bodies. The only advantage is we know more about a certain aspect (psychology per say) while others don't. As to how one would percieve that, I am in no liberty to generalize.

    As far as knowing how to control our emotions and behavior, anybody can do that maam. We are no professor X or Jean Grey.. hahahaha! Its funny but i'll let you in a little secret of mine -- the more you understand, the more confusing it seem. Trust me. I speak for myself. Reality is we may be able to manipulate our knowledge to our advantage, we may be able to know how to react etc. but if that is ALWAYS the case, then it is a lonely world out there and I don't want to be included in that world. Why? If I understand everyone's personality, then who the heck can understand me? Nah, just thinking...

    OT: Psych majors differ from psychologists. While we can get a degree, we are never called psychologist until we get a doctorate.

    - Thank you Thisbe for the opportunity, just deposit the our agreed amoun in my bank account... kato China Bank... Thanks...

  5. #15
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    OT@Crashy: dah, kabayad nuon nganong nagpapost. wehehehe...

    anyways, im not really familiar with this line, are there several types of major? what are they? Sitewide Forum Rules
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    The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    I took the course last year...i felt good knowing that I passed...yehey!!!!! Hubby is a Psychologist & Hypnotherapist.

  7. #17

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    Quote Originally Posted by thisbe.ara
    OT@kd19: kaila diay ka ni nelson ug ni joseph, gomer, jobert? hehehe.. FC ka? you love defense mechanisms? join this thread->
    Of course i know sir nelson esguerra very well and joseph as well. Though i never had the chance to join the FC (i was a working student that time) but more or less i learned a lot from the trainings i had with nelson.... :mrgreen:

  8. #18

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    School: University of San Carlos

    Year graduated: March 2004

    Why did you take up Psychology: i always wanted to be a forensic psychologist... I'm addicted to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys when I was young . And up to now, siyempre, C.S.I... Wanted to join NBI as forensics but told me that I was too young then to join the force, I was only 20 when I inquired... I always love Psychology-- counseling, physiological psych(kama sutra tips ni Sir Glen) , developmental psyc... group dynamics, the least I like sa Psych is industrial psych... But I end uo being HR ra diay... But no regrets... It's fun being here... Very challenging!

    Fave line of Psyc: "He who has a why to Live can Bear Almost Any How" Friedrich Nietczhe
    Working (Company/ Position/ Type of Industry): Pacific Aeronautical Inc., HR & Admin Supervisor; Manufacturing composite aircrafts components
    Any regrets of taking up Psychology? NO way!

    I don't hate MATH... I love our Behavioral Statistics jud..and I get very good grades from it... Physics, Chem and Calculus... yummy!

    And I think it is worth mentioning... I love our teachers... Very open-minded... as in! gerry BC(ako forever crush), sir glen, sir boholst, ms erl, ms albeza...

  9. #19
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    hi bata! lagi nakabayad jud ko bigtime. hehehe. .
    for the question of are there really different majors in psyc, hmm.. Psychology is a major but you get to learn about different types of Psyc--> Child Psyc, Clinical Psyc, Abnormal Psyc, Theories of Learning, Theories of Personality, ORganizational Dev't, etc. You can get to realllllllly major in one of them (if it is offered) during masteral.

    @mata_hari: hahaha.. bitaw noh. basin na inganyo pud ko anang Nancy Drew. mga forensic psychology pud ever. pero wala man na pinas oi. kung naa man gani, apply ta hap!

    OT@kd: hi ko ni nelson! tambok lang ghapon toh? hehehe..

  10. #20

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    apil ba pud diri ang mga frustrated or should i say "psych wannabe's"? hehehe

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