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  1. #41

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Actually, Sun Cellular was the equalizer. When the company introduced their unlimited services, both telcos had a WTF reaction, and if I remember correctly, one of them filed an insta-lawsuit. If you think about it, it was Sun that paved the way for the two networks to offer unlimited services as well.

    Last I checked, Sun already has 16 million subscribers, not too far behind Globe's 25 million. The company is a threat, albeit not a major one. The press release might say otherwise, but this buy-out will eventually have a negative effect on consumers, especially if no third player enters the fray.

    agree bro. there's only two reasons why you buy the competition, to kill it and gain a bigger share of the pie. SUN gave us the choice of unlimited call/text which admittedly ate up some sizable profits from the big two ( Globe/Smart).

    and with Smart saying that the Digitel brand will still be kept, its like BDO saying the Equitable PCI will still retain its corporate personality when it acquired it years ago..

    competition benefits the consumers..

  2. #42

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    PLDT is dominating ila na lang tanan.

  3. #43

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    a good move sa SUN cell.

    in a fast growing economy and it's hard competing face to face with your enemies, collaboration is one of the key factor to survive.

  4. #44

    Default End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    Please check the Inquirer Newspaper dated March 31, 2011 front page below the headline. The other topic is in the business page of the Inquirer on the same date. I can't post the whole article here because of copyright constraint. This is the warning that is written below the article. "Copyright 2011 Philippine Daily Inquirer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed."

    I have provided shortcuts below for you to read and to know that the source is genuine.

    End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal): End of unlimited calls, texts feared -, Philippine News for Filipinos

    Solons Fear Monopoly To Rise From PLDT Purchase Of Digitel : Business - Solons fear monopoly to rise from PLDT purchase of Digitel -

    Please post your comments and reactions. Thanks
    Last edited by ong76win2; 03-31-2011 at 09:17 AM.

  5. #45

    Default Re: End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    Yep, when a huge part of Mang Inasal was bought, we had fears that Mang Inasal would stop serving PM1 and unlimited rice.


  6. #46

    Default Re: End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    mao gyud ni amo gi istoryarhan sa ako ofc mate gahapon.. ka paet! mura ad2 gyud ni sa padulong nga ma undang inig palit sa PLDT

  7. #47

    Default Re: End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    panic mode...........just kidding hehehe
    Audentes Fortuna Juvat

  8. #48
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    Default Re: End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    aw og mao ning sturyaha kay mora daghan na mo balik sa globe and smart.... layo ra kaau sila in terms of signal strength sa globe and smart. or mao2 raman gani ang price nila kay better cut off sun then ang globe nalang ako main phone.

  9. #49

    Default Re: End Of Unlimited Calls, Texts Feared (PLDT-Digitel Deal)

    let's wait and see...

  10. #50

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Murag Jollibee... Paliton dayon ang competitor... Pagka bati...

  11.    Advertisement

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