With all the fetuses turning up in garbage dumps and other unthinkable places,or worse,unplanned pregnancies,why should our country still say no to ABORTION? What's your say on this?
With all the fetuses turning up in garbage dumps and other unthinkable places,or worse,unplanned pregnancies,why should our country still say no to ABORTION? What's your say on this?
y au na bro.. hehehe maylang sa paghimo
Wrong analogy. Abi kay naay mga fetus nga gipang patay sa mga irresponsible nga mga tawo, himuon na nuon nimung legal ang pagpatay sa fetus. doesn't make sense at all.
Bisag patayun pana nimu 2 months sa sulod sa tiyan or ilabay ig human ug anak Pariha ra ghapon nah - imung gipatay ang isa ka kinabuhi.![]()
Big NO.. looy ang mga angels.. if dli gusto mabuntis dli mo enter para walay blema.
guys..gud point saying no to abortion..how about those who have a choice whether or not to proceed with their pregnancies?..given the circumstance that our nation is facing - unwanted pregnancies, abandoned children, abused children, starving and homeless children, street children who are addicted to the use of rugby..wouldn't it be a form of mercy killing than have them suffer the tragedies of life had they been born?
Illegal man ang abortion diri. Bati lang jud ang security system sa Pilipinas. Illegal ang abortion pero maka-abort ra kag bisag-asa.
Finally, sige mag toooot gud! Dah, mao nana!
Any form of KILLING even with Mercy is still a SIN. And how do you know that those babies you will kill will eventually suffer?
The fact that we don't even have any clue what our own future might be is already enough for us Not to judge other people or worst predict their future.![]()
na'a mn ta'y ge-tawag ug DSWD, home for the girls, home for the boys na andam mo-dawat sa mga bata na dili kaya madawat sa ga hinampak na tawo na ayo lang kaayo mag-kiyod2x pero wala'y bo-ot,
so, nganu kaylangan pa mn ta'g abortion?...kay mo-taas atong population? tan-awa ang singapore ron unsay nahetabo, tan-awa ang japan ron unsa'y nahetabo sa ilang economiya,...nagka-gamay na ang mga bata sa ilaha, gikahadlokan nila na wala na'y mang-skwela ug mo-generate ug income nila na mo-pondo sa ilang gobyerno, ka'y puros na mo-retire,...ug inig e-retire pa jud, mag-dawat pa jud na sila ug benefits sa gobyerno, benefits na nag-gikan sa tax na na-generate sa mga workers, nia wala na ma'y workers, kay mang-retire na mn, ug mo-puli nila kuwangan mn, mas daghan mn ang mo-retire kaysa mo-puli, so therefore, e-maintain jud ang poplutaion pyramid, kaylangan mas daghan ang bata na mo-puli sa mga mo-retire...
ug last, de buh?ang kinabuhi sa usa ka-tawo mag-sugod mn sa pag-unite sa sperm ug egg cell?though kaylangan siya ug support, pero timan-e, wala'y tawo na mabuhi kung wala'y support sa usa ka tawo, ..kung imo e-abort, unsa mn imo gebuhat?
Last edited by Hammer_and_Sickle; 03-30-2011 at 08:21 PM.
If only our citizens have free access to information and free choice of methods of birth controls, there won't be so much aboritons. It is just that plain and simple.
Agri ko ani. Yes to RH! Ang mu-no to RH eithr plastic or wa p kaagi anang prblemaha. Sayon r kau isulti ipakabuhi ang 1 k bta kng di ang gsulti ang mgbagood. Ang mga ginikanan mn ana mgpkalisud buhi.
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