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  1. #31

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    klaro kau ni naa jud ni kausaban ang serbisyo sa sun......way ayo smart kawatan ug load...

  2. #32
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    BAg-ohay ra gani ni lecture nga para alternate sim ang SUN. Nahimo noog merger. Grabe kawat load.

  3. #33

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    saw this sa news ganina. i hope dili ma usab ang unli service sa sun...

  4. #34

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    basin momahal ang services kay wala na kaayo kompetensya.

  5. #35

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    ^^ayaw intawn. unli days will be over na jud...

  6. #36

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Hope San Miguel (Liberty Telecom) would be coming in to the market soon so there would be more competition.

  7. #37

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Globe is better compare to smart
    globe dili kawatan i have a globe sim since collage pa ni. almost 7years ago na same number japon
    my internet landline is globe.

    smart ko sauna smart broadband pero na lugi ko sa ako work sa online ky pwrti hinaya gi pa putol naku.
    Globe is more sable in terms of telephone and internet. mas paspas ila maintenance response kya sa smart.

  8. #38

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Hello duopoly. Hello poor service from PLDT/Smart/Sun.

  9. #39

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    If you can't beat them, buy them. Mao gyud tingali ni gi-himo sa PLDT/SMART. Effective man gud ang Unli promos sa SUN, ni-compete gyud sa TalkNText. So basin ni-decrease ang revenue sa SMART kay gikaon sa SUN ang market sa TalkNText(or even ang SMART Prepaid). They now have four brands(Smart, TnT, Red & Sun) to flood the market with. So the question now is how are you going to price Sun without affecting the other three? More likely mo-taas gyud ang presyo sa mga unlicalls/unlitext offers ani. Maayo unta dili lang kaayo taas, gamit ra ba gyud kaayo ang Sun.

  10. #40

    Default re: MERGED: Smart buys Digitel (Sun Cellular)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jumperman View Post
    Unless you are a Globe guy, there's really no reason for you to be alarmed by this news.

    If you're concerned about there being a SMART monopoly, if you think about it SUN was never a real threat to either SMART or Globe. People usually have a Globe/SMART number and a separate SUN number, which only shows that they are only good for their UNLI services. Now that SMART has acquired SUN, they've given themselves a boost over Globe, and that's all there is to it.
    Actually, Sun Cellular was the equalizer. When the company introduced their unlimited services, both telcos had a WTF reaction, and if I remember correctly, one of them filed an insta-lawsuit. If you think about it, it was Sun that paved the way for the two networks to offer unlimited services as well.

    Last I checked, Sun already has 16 million subscribers, not too far behind Globe's 25 million. The company is a threat, albeit not a major one. The press release might say otherwise, but this buy-out will eventually have a negative effect on consumers, especially if no third player enters the fray.

    At least when AT&T bought T-Mobile, the FCC was keeping a close eye on the deal to make sure consumers were OK. But in the Philippines, you can bet your house that the NTC/SEC/DTI won't give a flying f**k about consumer repercussions.
    Last edited by diatabz; 03-30-2011 at 10:17 PM.

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