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At a mall I once asked a doctor friend of mine "how come so many youngsters sit around in fancy restaurants chatting on expensive cellphones?" She told me..... You know what? Most of them will have an older brother, sister, parent or Aunt working overseas in Dubai or somewhere. That person is probably breaking their back working in a lowly job to send money home to give their extended family a chance at a better life, but the kids will blow the cash because they think the roads are lined with gold overseas and that cash just falls out of trees and always will.
actually dili man tanan ani nila "can afford"
it's within our culture. believe me i know a lot of people partying all the time in one of those high end bars around town when in reality ang c.r. sa bar mas nindot pa sa ilang balay. (one day millionaire)
if mokaon ug restaurant together with his/her friends dapat perfect and prompt service ang pangitaon and kasab an pa ang waiter pero kung hunaon parehas ra ug sweldo sa waiter.
materialism - buying things you don't need with the money you don't have to impress people you don't even like!