Ing.ani jud ning life... paet kaau ni dri. Atong mga health professionals shortage on "job slots" and not on supply...
Ing.ani jud ning life... paet kaau ni dri. Atong mga health professionals shortage on "job slots" and not on supply...
if the patient had urinary problems beforehand, even if the catheter was properly put in place, he could still suffer hematuria and pain.... as what i have read, this "janitor" isn't a janitor but an institutionalized worker, meaning they are trained to do minor medical stuffs... i know some medical aides perform minor operations even.... either way, this incident should be investigated further...
IT WAS not a janitor but an “institutional worker” who inserted a catheter in a patient of the Bantayan District Hospital, a Capitol official said yesterday.
Capitol, VSMMC to probe catheter incident | Sun.Star
This is nothing new to me, a normal scene in most of rural hospitals. Some IW even perform minor surgeries like suturing. However, this explicitly states the kind of current healthcare system we have in the country, scarcity in the deployment of healthcare professionals when in fact there is a great surplus of it.
Midugo tungod sa sakit, di sa catheter: doktor | Sun.Star
--here's an update of the news . . ..
^^agree. grabe kaayo mka exploit ang atong government sa mga health workers. esp nurses...
sad news!! tsk tsk!!
ano ba yannakakahiya.. mhal na gani kaayo imong ginabayad sa hospitals, trial and error pay buhaton sa mga doctor, tas naa pay mga inana nga mahitabo? asa nman ang health/patient care application ana woi.
^^unsa imng pasabot nga hospital nga mahal sir?
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