FS: Pentax K10D + 2 lenses
For Sale as Package: Open for Trade also
- Pentax K10D body (26k+ actuations - no problem at all, well maintained, FW version 1.31)
- Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8 LD XR Di SP (IF) - hood included (pentax mount)
- Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG MACRO with hood (pentax mount)
- 2pcs. Battery Charger D-BC50
- 4pcs. Lithium Ion Battery D-LI50
- 1pcs. Battery Grip D-BG2
Price: 44k(neg.)
Contact: 09274320093
RFS: upgrade
Price details:
Pentax K10D body - 18k
Battery Grip D-BG2 - 3k
Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8 LD XR Di SP (IF) - 15k
Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG MACRO - 7.5k
1pc Battery Charger D-BC50 + 2pcs extra Lithium Ion Battery D-LI50 - 2.5k
other item not on the price details mention are given as freebies