the problem with using the galaxy tab as a phone is that... it's not a phone. it's meant to be a tablet and the phone part is just an additional feature. if you want a phone, get the galaxy s.
my aunt has it and i was able to use it for a couple of days. all in all, it's a great device. with data always on 2-3 days of moderate use should be fair. but i'm not getting one though coz i don't really need a tablet, and i'm sticking with my galaxy s.
nanay nka setup ug unlimited internet sa
call lang globe sa 211 bro. what you need to do is create a new apn, set the apn site, and set proxy and port. e share unya nako diri once ma human ko og upgrade to gingerbread 2.3. if ever i forget, just call globe lang at 211 and they will guide you through on how to set ur gt
bag o ra gyud ko human og upgrade bro. Ma download ra sa samsung website.
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