Gareb wrote: Just this, if indeed all of this is based ON the postulation that god loves humanity, then he would never allow us to suffer, or create the very conditions for suffering and or allow even the remotest possibility of that happening.
Do you believe that *God also suffers with us in our sufferings*..Remember that HE send His Son Jesus Christ in order to redeem us from our sins and the way HE redeems us was not a walk in the was not an easy task at all to be heavily scourge, carry a cross for a mile and eventually nailed into it..and for what cause?..tis because of HIS unconditional love to humanities!...well anywayz i think u as an atheist doesnt believe on this one..but if u want the whole details of what im talking about then try to get a copy of the movie *The Passion*..its worth the try man...and if u want to, maybe u can laugh out all your guts after seeing the movie...