My sweetheart...and no she's not texting...yet
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My sweetheart...and no she's not texting...yet
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I just had my 400D since it was released here in Singapore last Sept. 8. :mrgreen:
I wanted to test the low light performance of the sensor which claimed it has reduced noise at 1600 ISO. So far murag ok ra gyud kaayo, its at par with my 30D.
Here's some test shots at my room... click on the image for full res. and exif."][/url]
ISO 1600, shot using the kit lens at F3.5
ISO 400, shot using the kit lens at F3.5
Indeed gamay ra ang noise at 1600, so far I'm very happy with the purchase. I'm a sucker for high ISO and fast lens ... which is important to me since shoot mostly at night...
For those who are planning to buy an entry level DSLR, mas barato ang 400D than the 350D sa introductory price, the Sony alpha ug Nikon D80 ... I got mine here in SG for SGD $1530 for the 400D kit, the 350D now sells here at SGD $1200+. Sold my Sony alpha DSLR (which was a dissappointment) para lang palit ani.
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
this was taken from the cathedral in zaragosa spain...
OT: unsa nidot nga tripod for newbie? kana lang affordable and available here in cebu...please give me the model and brand thanks...
@flik..didto diay ka sa Spain bai?..nice shot!
OT: yup 3 months ko didto...i bought my camera there...Originally Posted by tolstoi
Ria: The Cool Effect
Canon 350D. 1/50s, F/2.8, ISO 1600, 150mm.
* One hanging tungsten bulb up a tree on the right side, the only light available.
* Adjusted WB to normalize the reddish colored area and to make other side hard night blue.
* Contrasted, Noise reduced (ISO 1600 hehehe), unsharpened, uncropped, brightened.
I love seeking for light!
Ria: Nature's Beauty
Canon 350D, 1/60s, f/2.8, ISO 1600, 148mm.
* Pure ambient.
* WB adjusted to normalize bluish effect of a cloudy late afternoon.
* Contrasted, Noise reduced, unsharpened, slightly cropped, brightened.
[img width=500 height=267][/img]
The View From Our Room
Tagbilaran Bay 9/07/2006 17:47:35
350D, hand-held
ISO 100, 1/500s
50mm f1.8 II @ f5.6
Little USM applied
bigger copy at
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
late afternoon in san remigio...
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