ive been having a hard time figuring out my problem and i think its time to let this problem out to the world. im trying to call a certain html file to be shown on a certain frame of another html file, after a Java-made button is clicked.
to clear things out, here's the code:
import java.applet.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class TestHomeButton extends Applet implements ActionListener {
JButton homeButton;
JPanel panel;
AppletContextAdapter fetchURL = new AppletContextAdapter();
public void init( ) {
setLayout(new BorderLayout( ));
homeButton = new JButton("Home");
homeButton.setToolTipText("History & Introduction");
add("Center", homeButton);
public void start( ) {
System.out.print("Applet starting.");
public void stop( ) {
System.out.print("Applet stopping.");
public void destroy( ) {
System.out.print("Destroy method called.");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// URL myUrl = new URL("simple.htm");
if ("home".equals(e.getActionCommand( )))
fetchURL.showDocument(new URL("simple.htm"),"ButtonResults");
AppletContext.showDocument(new URL("simple.htm"),"ButtonResults");
catch(Exception exept)
the code above is good for one button only. i have made a dozen of these but im just testing one button for now to get the solution right.. the other would be later...
here's the (main) html file...
<head> <title> SKI group </title> </head>
<body background="bg_fade.gif">
<center><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td colspan=11><br></td>
<td colspan=11><br></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align="center"><img src="house.jpg" width=60 height=50 ></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align="center"><img src="puzzle.jpg" width=60 height=50 ></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align="center"><img src="gears01.jpg" width=60 height=50 ></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align="center"><img src="maze.jpg" width=60 height=50 ></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align="center"><img src="peoplemove.jpg" width=60 height=50 ></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align=center><applet code="TestHomeButton.class" width=120 height=40> </applet></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align=center><applet code="TestVariablesButton.class" width=120 height=40></applet></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align=center><applet code="TestOperatorsButton.class" width=120 height=40></applet></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align=center><applet code="TestFunctionsButton.class" width=120 height=40></applet></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td width=50 align=center><applet code="TestCrewButton.class" width=120 height=40></applet></td>
<td width=25><br></td>
<td colspan=11><br></td>
<td colspan=12>
<iframe name="ButtonResults" src="welcome.htm"
width="700" height="500"
scroll="0" frameborder="0">
so, once homeButton is clicked it calls on another html file to be shown inside the iframe... unfortunately, it just didnt work
i am hoping you guys here could help me out and enlighten me...
thanks, in advance