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  1. #651

    Default why did God create evil?

    @gareb..and so you are saying that GOD allowed evil in the first place??..and at one time HE redeemed us from *it* but at one time also HE draws us *into it*?..i dunno bout your sources man but all i can say is that..finite as we are that we really cant grasp the true meaning of the whole thing..i'm just a plain believer and maybe a true theologians here cud enlighten yur perspective about GOD..

  2. #652

    Default why did God create evil?

    "he does not love his people (because he allow us to fall),"?

    God already told adam and eve not eat the tree of knowledge. Eating it is sin. We have no choice but to obey, there is no freedom without the law. Law is the transgression of sin. God gave adam and eve the same law in heaven that lucifer fail to obey.

  3. #653

    Default why did God create evil?

    Q: what the hell is that tree of knowledge doing in here in the first place?

    Telling adam and eve to proved that god has the power over us.

  4. #654

    Default why did God create evil?


    Bro Gareb.. i believe these are some of your posts

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    pray... and at the same time work.

    before we can ever heal this land, we need to extract the cause of the malaise. do that and pray for the best. =)
    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    dear god,

    is it cruelty to deprive someone of the only person one ever loved?
    if so... then why do we call it 'divine providence' when the thing it provides we pay with tears and pain?
    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    dear god,

    why do you punish us for being wrong...
    when it was you who gave us the freedom to be wrong...

    then does that make you falliable because you failed?
    and who will punish you?
    Funny, isn't it? for an atheist to talk to somebody that he/she doesn't believe to exist in the first place kinda like talking to a lifeless thingy such as a wall

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    Quote Originally Posted by giver-bert
    we're given the intellect to determine what's good and what's not-
    your concept of what is good, may not be another's concept of what is. bear in mind that the concept of what is good or bad or evil is relative to the person speaking. a simple cross-cultural comparison would reveal this. the theory then that intellect is the articulator of what is good and what is not, breaks down.
    God is a righteous God.. we must follow after Him in righteousness, not what we think is right, trying to satisfy the people of the Word. God wants a people 'after God's own heart', just like David. David wasn't perfect man, but he was forgiven, and out to please God. that should be our only goal, to completely satisfy God, whatever the cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    Quote Originally Posted by giver-bert
    He is just giving the credit that is due to us...
    as if the whole human population asked to be created.
    One might wish he/she shouldn't have brought out into this world - knowing how wicked our world is....

    BUT GOD didn't make a wicked world. He began this world with the 'garden of eden', where there was beauty, and splendor... and, then he placed man into it, and made him a woman.. perhaps that was a mistake :mrgreen: ... well, God doesn't make mistakes... it was His plan for us to have a wonderful, satisfying life, while worshipping Him always... and, that's where the tempter came in to ruin the whole set up!.. and, man listened, and so, came the starting of the wicked world! as our world grew, the population grew, so did the wickedness within it. we got smarter, listened to God less, and got into trouble... there is always some that won't listen to God, no matter what the problem, and they think all is well in "trala la land"......and keep on doing "their thing"... some do it until it's too late... sigh

    as if the whole human population asked for freewill. and now this is what we get, evil. that is if indeed god has power over evil.
    Are you implying my friend that not all us wanted to have freewill? please enlighten me.. and if so i'd would like to meet him/her..

  5. #655

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    careful with semantics and figures of speech. often times they are the cause of rather bitter contentions. it is best, i suggest, that we stick to stripping coquetries with rather touchy subjects as this.

    i agree with you dear moderator gareb. this is too profound/touchy a topic to discuss with... our ideals, opinions, quotes will not reach an end coz we have no credible accounts whatsoever. we were raised with different ideology, religion, values, culture, traditions... even our scientist could not dig up or come even close to the beginning of our existence so they come up with the theory of evolution! a theory??!!!!! and if u think of the bible as a basis of the beginning then why there's no continuation of it (a book of revelation?)...

    Oh my God! i'm a believer but nobody can push or command you to stop thinking otherwise... that is the problem with our mind. we are bound to our own opinions/convictions/views!!!!!! great for the babies... they're naive.

    oh! my mind sucks. why i come to think of it...

  6. #656

    Default why did God create evil?

    that is why i said in other threads that the debates between Christians and Atheist are never-ending...if u want a specific answer to those questions above then wait for the Book of Revelations to effectuate or better yet wait tell we come to our end...arrgh

  7. #657

    Default why did God create evil?

    "dear god,

    why do you punish us for being wrong...
    when it was you who gave us the freedom to be wrong...

    then does that make you falliable because you failed?
    and who will punish you?" ?

    Bro Gareb....Kindly please explain this?

  8. #658

    Default why did God create evil?

    Moderator Gareb choose not to choose....thats a freewill.

  9. #659
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    and so you are saying that GOD allowed evil in the first place??.. and at one time HE redeemed us from *it* but at one time also HE draws us *into it*?..
    that very fact that evil happens is evidence enough that he allowed it. the assumed fact that *he could have prevented it* (but did not) and later offered a *way out* (salvation, redemption, etc.) suggests that yes, god is a child playing with ants in a basin of water.

    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    all i can say is that..finite as we are that we really cant grasp the true meaning of the whole thing..
    if we set this as a rule of thumb, then *naturally* we will never grasp anything at all. it would be much better not to attempt to understand, since it is useless anyway. please refer to my answer to giver_bert's 'unreachabilty' position.

    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    i'm just a plain believer
    all the more is the challenge to test if what you believe all these time is actually true.

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    he does not love his people (because he allow us to fall)
    Creed-X:what i meant was that he allowed the existence of evil. the very act which allowed the very posibility of man to fall.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  10. #660
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    Funny, isn't it? for an atheist to talk to somebody that he/she doesn't believe to exist in the first place kinda like talking to a lifeless thingy such as a wall
    to a certain degree, the last two served its purpose which of course is humor to level the playing field, and inject questions that would challenge the very fabric of belief.

    the first was different altogether. 'pray' is directed towards the segment of the population who still believe in the power of prayer, which is not bad if the idea of 'work' is attached to it. it was not necessarily directed to myself as it would be quite absurd to see an atheist pray.

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    God is a righteous God..
    it is easy to say that one thing is righteous or not. what is difficult is when one person's idea of what is 'righteous' does not correspond to another person's. example. which is the righteous religion? Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, or Zoroastriansm? each claim to be righteous, each claim that the rest is not. each claim to believe in god/gods.

    the very concept of a 'righteous god' is full of holes. example: how can a rigteous god produce or allow evil? and because of the fact that he did allow evil, what merit then is there for him to forgive us in our errors, when he himself has facilitated the very conditions that allow us to commit the so-called 'sin'?

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    BUT GOD didn't make a wicked world.
    perhaps. but he allowed it to become wicked by allowing evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    God doesn't make mistakes...
    to consider this is to place humanity's being able to commit mistakes as within his so-called plan. humanity's being able to commit mistakes is a pre-condition for his fall.

    therefore humanity's fall, and the death of countless lives because of evil, was within god's plan. where is the righteousness in all that?

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    Are you implying my friend that not all us wanted to have freewill?
    with the knowledge that freewill opened the way for us to be able to chose evil, then yes; people would rather not have freewill. ever heard yourself say, "i should have not chosen that..." ?

    Quote Originally Posted by marquee
    even our scientist could not dig up or come even close to the beginning of our existence.
    read the science journals.
    Quote Originally Posted by marquee
    so they come up with the theory of evolution! a theory??!!!!!
    please research on what a 'theory' is and what can be called as such.
    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    the debates between Christians and Atheist are never-ending...
    fortunately for us, formal debates do end. it is only in these less informed Q&A's that it never does, often because one side would rather stick to 'dogma' rather than what his brain tells him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Creed-X
    Bro Gareb....Kindly please explain this?... Moderator Gareb choose not to choose....thats a freewill.
    self explanatory. and nope. not 'not to chose' but chose not to believe. one of the very reasons, again, is the problem of evil.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

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