CAVEAT EMPTOR = BUYERS BEWARE. I don't see any problem, like you said Mr. Rance. They didn't change the CONTRACT PRICE/SQM. Dakong problema kung nausab ang presyo PER SQUARE METER. Please try to remember ka kung mupalit ka ug yuta YOU ARE BUYING IT PER SQUARE METER.
Your friend should have asked for the copy of the contract, and if you noticed on the fine print of the brochures of real estate companies, NAA na'y disclaimer that says "SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGES".
Besides, why after paying two months mag pa refund man imong friend? Buying a LOT is a huge investment wherein a lot of thought and prior research should have been made. Dli man na pagkaon, nga kung wla ka ka gusto sa taste imong lang iluwa.
Regarding the 50% refund, please check if its company policy. Kung naa'y napirmahan ang imong migo to stipulate nga ni agree sya ana nga policy, well luoy na lang sya.
IT'S not the fault of ABOITIZ, its your friend's. AS THEY SAY CAVEAT EMPTOR