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I want to start a crucial for me discussion, I'm positive it will be advantageous for other women tooI have used botox for a very long time, and at last, I decided to quit! I believe that you know the reason. Because I should one way or another to switch the botox, with a purpose to preserve my face skin as lifted as possible, I've been inquiring for some other options. I found a galvanic apparatus, very small and for home use, which is used with its exclusive creams and the the company that's producing it claims that this treatment not only is stretching the skin, but additionally makes the skin look more youthful by slowing the process of aging from the within. I am prepared to buy it already, but I need your approval before that, also if you are aware where I can find it, so please let me know what you know about it and if you've ever tried it before.Do you know anybody who has? I'm looking for your advices and suggestions.
hallo girls, can I ask you something? Since i'm working in the entertainment business, I am in a move on a regular basis and never have enough time at the same place.I've started anti cellulite types of treatments in a beauty health spa, but cannot persevere going at the same place. On top of that, there will not be any worthy results, as I can't go to the spa for the procedures every week or even two-three times a week... I have by now at home anti-cellulitis soap and some other beauty lotions, however this is not serious and I'm still looking for something more professional. If there is any chance that you could give me an assistance what other I may do, I'll truly thank you for your aid. Please be free to recommend anything high-quality that you know, even though the charge is high, because I'll manage it someway because it's really alarming me.Thanks you all.
Hallo, I have a big question for you. My difficulty is, that I'm always on the road - working a lot. I intend to purchase an anti-cellulite procedures packet, but I don't have the opportunity to go to see always the same cosmetician for that. Furthermore, I've been instructed that if I don't do the treatments constantly, there will be no result. A friend of mine gave me some lotions and individually designed soaps, but they are not helping me. Could you please suggest me some other process that is small and that will benefit me? I understand that generally the first-class products are not cheap, but I'll do anything to get rid of the cellulite as much as possible. Thankfulness you all.
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