This thread is intended to be educational in essence. So those of you who know a little something about the French Language or France and its culture, share naman the wealth.=D
I'll start with
the numbers.
0 zéro [zay-ro]
1 un [uh]
2 deux [duhr]
3 trois [twa]
4 quatre [katr]
5 cinq [sank]
6 six [sees]
7 sept [set]
8 huit [weet]
9 neuf [nurf]
10 dix [dees]
11 onze [onz]
12 douze [dooz]
13 treize [trez]
14 quatorze [katorz]
15 quinze [kanz]
16 seize [sez]
17 dix-sept [dee-set]
18 dix-huit [dees-weet]
19 dix-neuf [dees-nurf]
20 vingt [van]
21 vingt et un [vant-ay-uh]
22 vingt-deux [van-duhr]
30 trente [tront]
40 quarante [karont]
50 cinquante [sank-ont]
60 soixante [swa-sont]
70 soixante-dix [swa-son-dees] NOT septante as the french speaking Swiss or Canadians would put it.
71 soixante et onze [swa-sont-ay-onz]
79 soixante-dix-neuf [swa-son-dees-nurf]
80 quatre-vingts [kat-ra-van] NOT huitante as the french speaking Swiss or Canadians would put it.
81 quatre-vingt-un [kat-ra-vant-uh]
89 quatre-vingt-neuf [kat-ra-van-nurf]
90 quatre-vingt-dix [kat-ra-van-dees] NOT neuftante as the french speaking Swiss or Canadians would put it.
91 quatre-vingt-onze [kat-ra-vant-onz]
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf [kat-ra-van-dees-nurf]
100 cent [son]