try this one, i think sa closing and opening php tags nimo bro and some syntax error
//Connect to MySQL:
$db_connection = mysql_connect ("localhost","root","");
//Select the database
//I have the following SQL statement and execution:
$get_list = "SELECT * FROM employee";
$get_list_result = mysql_query($get_list) or die (mysql_error());
//Then I want to display the value from database in the drop down list with the code below:
<td><select name="sel_id">
while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($get_list_result)){
$id = $recs['AREA_ID'];
$display_list = $recs['RESP_AREA'];
<option value="<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo $display_list; ?></option>
}// end while