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  1. #1

    Default what will happen after bios update

    ask to ko if naa ba mga changes sa pc ineg homan update sa bios
    mo nindot ba ang performance or mokosog ba ato unit etc...etc...
    nahan unta ko e update ako bios pero wala paman gudko feed.back
    wat happen after e.update......para unsa dayni ang bios update ......tahnk u

    asus p5n-e sli Core 2 Duo ako unit...

  2. #2
    Elite Member cloud's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    tan awa sa iya changelog sa BIOS kon unsa iya na fix, usualy fixes na but kon wala ka nag problema then y man imo e update. risky bya na kon ma sayop ka yatap!. depende sad sa mobo.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cloud View Post
    tan awa sa iya changelog sa BIOS kon unsa iya na fix, usualy fixes na but kon wala ka nag problema then y man imo e update. risky bya na kon ma sayop ka yatap!. depende sad sa mobo.
    brad cloud lami nakai e.update hehehe nakoryoso langko ba kung unsai resulta after update

    mokosog ato unit ani .. hehehe ask langko bosing

  4. #4
    Check unsay Update sa imong Bios bro. naa mana details upon downloading sa imong BIOS update kong unsay mga Fixes himoon niya. Dili jud ingon mo kusog ang pc just check kong unsay update. like for example ang Mobo nimo dili modawat uga RAM nga 2GB in one slot then upon update pede na siya mo dawat so mao ni usa ka scenario sa update. Sakto si cloud kong wala problem imong MOBO never update.

  5. #5
    "what will happen after bios update?"

    minor/major bugs and issues will be fixed.
    ug improvement sa imong system.
    nya, dili naka ma awahi sa naka update na. kay u r one of them na. hahaha

    naa koy ing ana nga mobo same sa imoha. ako lang nabaligya. msi na ako gamit ron.
    nahan man gud ko cool n quite. haha
    initan ra ko sa intel mao ga amd lang ko.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by naborbong View Post
    Check unsay Update sa imong Bios bro. naa mana details upon downloading sa imong BIOS update kong unsay mga Fixes himoon niya. Dili jud ingon mo kusog ang pc just check kong unsay update. like for example ang Mobo nimo dili modawat uga RAM nga 2GB in one slot then upon update pede na siya mo dawat so mao ni usa ka scenario sa update. Sakto si cloud kong wala problem imong MOBO never update.
    mao gyud naborbong.

  7. #7
    inig download nimo sa bios naa mga txt changes didto bahasa to para makabalo ka unsay nausab.different model have different bios updates..walay mukosog sa imong pc ana gipang fix lang nila ang mga problema sa imo bios..

  8. #8
    Cloud ,

    wala noon blema ako mobo bro... koryoso lang jud kayo
    akung huna-huuna hehehehe if unsay resulta ba..

    Naborbong ,

    salamt kayo bro... at last kabaw nako gamai unsay resulta
    after updating like sa imo example na gihatag...hehehe

    Pinoy Sorbetes ,

    minor/major bugs and issues will be fixed.
    oy lain napud akong after updates
    hehehe Tank u bro.

    CARLOtech ,

    salamat kayo bro... so possible sad ma fix ang BSOD ani...

  9. #9
    Dili sad na ma FIX ang imong BSOD bro. Daghan man causes sa BSOD. some cases imong RAM nga guba pero ma detect pa siya no beep but upon installing OS like XP ang imong ma experience kay mag error ang copying sa cd nimo... then ma blue screen.

  10. #10
    See below regarding BSOD. Updating BIOS will not FIX it.

    ❍ Software or device drivers may have a problem.

    ❍ A hardware device is malfunctioning , or was removed while

    Windows was running, or does not fully support Windows. On older

    machines, outdated BIOS information can also cause errors.

    ❍ Hardware or hard disk errors during installation of Windows.

    ❍ Corrupted startup files , hardware and driver software during

    Windows startup can also be the cause. This type of error

    will always require troubleshooting before Windows can start

    up normally.

    ❍ Intermittent errors that appear randomly. These can be caused

    by an overheating processor, a defective memory system, a dying or

    dead hard disk , or faulty software and device drivers.

    Solution :

    These are some of the most common Stop Messages along with

    their cause and suggested resolution:

    Stop Code: STOP 0x0000000A


    Code Meaning : Faulty device drivers, or services from backup

    utilities or virus scanners

    Recommended Resolution: Remove, disable or stop the offending

    drivers, backup utilities or anti-virus programs. Get updated

    software from the manufacturer.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x0000001E


    Code Meaning: Some driver files may be causing a problem.

    Recommended Resolution: Remove, disable or update the driverfile

    listed in the error message. Verify if new hardware installation

    is correct.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x00000024


    Code Meaning: Usually caused by disk corruption in the NTFS file

    system or third-party disk defragmenters.

    Recommended Resolution: Use hard disk diagnostic software to

    verify that the hard disk is working. Remember to always Use

    Microsoft-certified disk defragmenters.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x0000002E


    Code Meaning: Caused by a parity error in the system memory.

    Almost always caused by hardware problemsa configuration

    issue, defective hardware, or incompatible hardware.

    Recommended Resolution: If physical RAM was recently added to

    the system, remove it and see if the error still occurs. If the error

    persists, try disabling memory caching in the BIOS. Else remove,

    repair or reinstall the defective hardware.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x00000050


    Code Meaning : Caused when requested data is not found in memory;

    the system checks the page file, but the missing data is

    I dentified as unable to be written to the page file

    Recommended Resolution: Remove any newly-added hardware or

    run diagnostic software supplied by the manufacturer to check if

    the component has failed. Install updated device drivers or roll

    back to a previous driver.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x0000007B


    Code Meaning: Caused when Windows loses access to the system

    partition during the Startup process. This can be caused by: an

    incorrect driver for a SCSI, RAID, or UDMA IDE controller;

    incorrect ARC path in the Boot.ini; or a failed boot device.

    Recommended Resolution: Verify that the disk storage device is

    installed correctly and working. Reinstall or update the device

    driver. Verify that the BIOS setting for the device is correct.

    Verify the integrity of the hard disk.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x0000007F


    Code Meaning: Caused when the CPU generates an error that the

    kernel does not catch. Usually hardware relatedespecially RAM.

    Can also be caused by CPU overclocking, or defective components

    on the motherboard.

    Recommended Resolution:

    1 . Run the memory diagnostic to test RAM.

    2. Restore over clocked settings to previous values.

    3. Repair/replace the motherboard.

    4. Disable sync negotiation in SCSI BIOS; check SCSI termination.

    Stop Code: STOP 0x000000D1


    Code Meaning: Occurs when the system attempts to access

    pageable memory at a process IRQL that is too high

    Recommended Resolution: Very similar to STOP 0xA. Remove,

    disable or stop the offending drivers, backup utilities or anti-virus

    programs. Get updated software from the manufacturer.

    Stop Code: STOP 0xC000021A


    Code Meaning: Caused when the user-mode subsystem (Win logon

    or CSRSS) is fatally compromised and security cannot be

    guaranteed. The most common causes are third-party applications or

    mismatched system files.

    Recommended Resolution:

    1. Remove, disable, or roll back any newly-installed device driver.

    2. Uninstall any newly-installed software.

    3. Use Windows-compatible backup/restore programs.

    4. Restore full control permissions to the local SECURITY account

    on the system root folder by doing a fresh parallel installation of

    Windows on a separate partition.

  11.    Advertisement

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