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  1. #1841
    Senior Member kyoshero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richieTALAMBAN View Post
    asa manjud ang venue mga migo?
    Bai, mao dhapon office

    Quote Originally Posted by san pedro View Post
    bai"s naka circulate na lagi ang logo nato sa uban nga website,i mean somebody using the logo with out proper consent from the club itself,meaning this is one way or another to undermine the whole entity of the club. ako personaly d jud ko makatugot ani nga mahitabo unya ni nga daghan na kaau ug dagway ang atuang CBCBAI. how cud we address this to all members ? if we disregard this ,unsa may mahitabo sa atua nga club ? It is a "big slap" on our individual face of this contemptuos display of disrespect since this entity was fully registered to security and exchange commission! another thing WA PA MAN TA NAG OFFER UG FRANCHISE SA ATUA NGA CBCBAI! HALA MOTALIKOD LANG USA KO KARON ,UNYA KAMO NA ANG MO HUSGA ANI KAY DILI RA MAN AKO ANG TAG-IYA ANI NGA CLUB KITA MAN TANAN MEMBRO SA CBCBAI!!!
    Easy lng pres plink me

  2. #1842

    The Serama is a new breed of bantam, having been developed within the past 15 years.

    The complete ancestry of the SERAMA is uncertain. However, it is believed the Red Jungle Fowl, the Common Malaysian Village Bantam, (a hodge’ podge’ of many breeds), and the Japanese Bantam contributed. There is also a school of thought which believes the Silkie, played a roll along with a few other ‘secret’ genes.

    The downsizing of the Serama is still on going with a few specimens coming in at 6ozs for cocks and 5ozs for hens as current breeding methods continue.

    Serama mature at 16-18 weeks.

    Incubation period for Serama eggs is 19-20 days.

    The Serama carry a ‘diluted’ lethal gene (Japanese Bantam Ancestry), which means 1 to 2 percent of embryos will develop fully but fail to hatch or the chick will die within 24 hours of hatching.

    Serama are not color bred, nor do they breed true to any one color. It is not uncommon to hatch as many different colored chicks as there are eggs that hatch.

    Serama do not breed true to size. Out of a clutch of 10 chicks, one can expect 1 or 2 to be very small, 2 or 3 to be rather large and the remainder to be within the normal size range for serama.

    The color of Serama eggs range from the purest white to the deepest brown, with dozens of shades in between.

    Serama make excellent house pets. The crow of the cock is one third the volume of a regular chicken.

    It takes approx. 5 Serama eggs to equal the volume of one Grade ‘A’ Large egg

    Serama are year round layers and have no particular laying season. Although, peak fertility and egg production occurs during the months of November, December January and February.

    Serama are in a continuous molt, dropping a few feathers each day.

    Serama are tropical birds and need to be protected from cold temperatures.

    The Serama is the most popular household pet in Malaysia , surpassing both, cats and dogs in numbers.

    In Malaysia , “Serama Specialty” Shows are held each weekend throughout the year averaging 300-400 entries.

  3. #1843
    naa ba moy baligya chicken cage for bantam? hehe. kapoy na man gud mag himo.

  4. #1844
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by san pedro View Post
    Pres. pwd pa me maka gamit sa rooftop ds coming sunday ?

    good pm pres, sorry kaau tagsa nalang ko maka palista kay na busy jud ko krn panahona and about sa venue, ok pa nato magamit ang rooftop krn sunday kay wala pa ni move in ang mo abang

    pres, maikog naman ko ug tawgon ko nimu aning tituloha kay im retired na and its your regime na krn,hehhee... jdjd lang o joseph pres ang itawag naku, oki na kaau

  5. #1845
    Elite Member jdjd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by san pedro View Post
    bai"s naka circulate na lagi ang logo nato sa uban nga website,i mean somebody using the logo with out proper consent from the club itself,meaning this is one way or another to undermine the whole entity of the club. ako personaly d jud ko makatugot ani nga mahitabo unya ni nga daghan na kaau ug dagway ang atuang CBCBAI. how cud we address this to all members ? if we disregard this ,unsa may mahitabo sa atua nga club ? It is a "big slap" on our individual face of this contemptuos display of disrespect since this entity was fully registered to security and exchange commission! another thing WA PA MAN TA NAG OFFER UG FRANCHISE SA ATUA NGA CBCBAI! HALA MOTALIKOD LANG USA KO KARON ,UNYA KAMO NA ANG MO HUSGA ANI KAY DILI RA MAN AKO ANG TAG-IYA ANI NGA CLUB KITA MAN TANAN MEMBRO SA CBCBAI!!!

    tsk tsk tsk... unsay website pres? lisod ni dah... we have to protect our rights and file appropriate charges to the offending party! pwede ma inform nimu ang tanan members sa cbcbai pres regarding this matter (labina kung unsa na website) kay... this will benefit greatly the one's using our logo but all cbcbai members will suffer the consequences if something bad happens in relation to the use of CBCBAI logo (by unwanted entities)... CBCBAI logo is officially and will remain the property of CBCBAI.... no one can use this logo without the approval of CBCBAI....
    Last edited by jdjd; 01-18-2011 at 10:00 PM.

  6. #1846
    tagpila ang pair na black rosecomb mga boss...

  7. #1847
    Quote Originally Posted by 19blackpanther75 View Post
    tagpila ang pair na black rosecomb mga boss...
    price ranges from 5k from pullets up to 8k to breeders.

  8. #1848
    Quote Originally Posted by damon_salvatore View Post
    naa ba moy baligya chicken cage for bantam? hehe. kapoy na man gud mag himo.

    hehehehe pwede ra nmu buhian bai if secured imo area....with regards to customized cages....try to pm sir jdjd bcg pwede xa muhimo.

  9. #1849
    maayong adlaw...
    asa ang venue sa meeting?...

  10. #1850
    bai's OK na si president joseph ipagamit ang rooftop! confirm it now dong janroe sa rooftop jud ta ani kay wa pa man ta makakuha ug bag 0 nga office/mtgplace! usa pod sa atua tuki-on ang pagpalusot ug budget para makakuha tag bag o nga ofc. if wala pay kwarta ang club mag meet lang usa ta sa mga areas nga accessable sa tanan! mao jud ni ang ESSENCE sa club bai, magtinabangay lang ta! so...karon maka feel na jud ta unsa jud kung wala si pres joseph`

  11.    Advertisement

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