hala wrong post edit ni nako karn si rymm mao na ga ilad ni iceman on one deal a long while ago sory for the mix up nag dali man gud ko
grabe need to read sa post gyud para review
hala wrong post edit ni nako karn si rymm mao na ga ilad ni iceman on one deal a long while ago sory for the mix up nag dali man gud ko
grabe need to read sa post gyud para review
Call me what u want double-double (newbie or fresh) a hoarder! but i wont be labeled as a TRAITOR or TRAYDOR, yes i also know you double agent daghan na kaau galagot sa imong gibuhat ug imong kalaki. U were braging about pa in E-Telecare what you've done. Proud to be a TRAITOR! what a reputation to be proud of! Then stop na hiding toys sa mga malls bai kong dili pa ka kapalit or short ang budget kay noted na ka sa mga promos in every malls. Padong palang ka sa displayhanan bai wa na storyahan dayon ka sa mga promos "NAA NA SAD NING MANAGOAY AY"never threat somebody u don't really know bai
-- wwwooaawww..kuyawa gud ani nga thread. =)
this guys name is DON he litteraly crushes peoples arms for toys he has a nickname don the bloodpressure he duped people on reserving a certain toy with Iceman (the galactus series) while it was in manila he told him he would get it and then it arrived in cebu he left iceman hanging with a set of galactus series(you can confirm with Iceman). he is hated by collectors and hoarders alike try asking them. he threathend omar in south because a toy he hid got sold. He is hated by the manager in south sir bobby for taking a batmobile for the wrong price tag even though he was told it was wrong and the item was not displayed yet he took it anyway from behind the counter. he tried to sell me an over priced apocalypse even when he just got it from sm he deals with toys taking it from other people and doubling it. is the phoenix from the big man familar Don? you know the one with a deadpool that you were trying to sell for 4k? what about your super rare green goblin for 2k that you took from a batch that was already payed for by som1 else? kawatan ka if derek only knew....... that was like 3 boxes full? what about sets in south that you go behind the counter for when nobody is looking? set breaker gi bastos nimo si ray sa south. green goblin and abomination for 800? each? these arent even variants crazy prices crazy reaction and just plain crazy trying to pull a fast one on me forget it people can confirm this things with the people Ive mentioned I know you well broOriginally Posted by rymn
well try to ans. this a promos word against me or a manager promo and supplier against your credibilty
In the court of law this is called hearsay wla bases ako naa man witness imo puro ra sat sat
Had nothing to say about skynights remark Huh? 12inch? big boy? ulaw ka? samot na ani no?
as for me ako ma sulti on my part it was a misunderstanding mga tao sa TK? binayaran mana kasagaran creds not worth it Huhuhuhhu bay mura kana ra gyud imo masulti nothing more aside from that wala naaa..(sarcastic) kao man gud mura kinsa wla buga
in the end toys ra ni bay dli ta mag insulto ug tao kay tanan naa opinion dli ta mangumot ug tao ka mura ta bata
dli ta mangilad kay dli lang gyud na maayo sus what the people think of me dri ok ra nako it just a forum I have friends palit ko unsa gusto I still go about my daily routinetaas no? pauli nalang inyo kaon dukot
wow nice one bro! i guess i have to call u editor in chief i guess..... stories there stories everywhere "PUN-AN - KUHAAN" i don't care
u must be really PIST judging from ur long reply.....nice one triple-double-double.....
double agent: hahahahahaaaa.. bro..ni luwa naman gud na sa mga color sa ubang tao..hehehe. =)
anyways, hopefully..i'm going to post my G.I. Joes mga Sat night. ako man gi ayo tanan...new rubbers sa lawas. i hope ma lingaw mo.
this guy is crazy more like ganahan kaayo siya nga nahibaloan ang iya dirt but he cant face skynight on his comments and he can never say no sa mga gi post nako cause its the truth try ug reserve sa south bay kay mo atubang raba ka sir bobby ana wala gyud ka ma sulti kay puro tinuod but what now? I guess thats it huh? mangatawa nalang ta nimo at least people know and when they ask others mo confirm sila so they know am not lying ask for sory ni Iceman uy maayo bya to sya nga tao nya imo gi ilad grabe ka yaw nasad pag kumot ug tao para toys ako name is placed nako and everythin open ko am afraid of nothin ikaw sus.... try dealing ana imo high prices bro wala gyud palit ana![]()
@djereza: I will be expecting that bro :mrgreen:
double agent: i know iceman...i bought my justice league darkseid toy niya...a good guy. =) we talked an hour sa iyang office. maayong tao. =)
and lastly can't post my joes tonight..kuwang akong rubbers. shooot.. puno pako palit ugma.
drank beer sa iya haus kta ko iya family and his dog hard working family man gives wat he could to his children darn good gentleman and father it saddens me that this creep had duped him luoy kaayo......kita man ba sa iya price nya dli mo heads up kay iya up ang price sa products nga mapalit ra dri try checking rymms buy and sell thread gi bash gud ug tao nga mahal ra daw which is right suko pa gyud sya
DoubleAgent: Yeap..i bought the darkseid toy....vvvvveerry cheap. like ang price sa US is around $20 na. and i bought mine P400. =) so dako kaayo ko pasalamat niya. =)
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