job description : (cebu bantam chicken breeder association inc.)
The President is the Chief Executive Officer and shall preside at all meetings and appoint all special committees; and shall have authority to appoint any officer resigning or through death or inability to handle their office properly.
In case of the President’s absence or his inability to act at a meeting, the Vice-President of the club in attendance shall act as presiding officer.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to conduct all correspondence of the CLUB and to keep correct minutes of all meeting. He shall carefully preserve all past records pertaining to his office, including the copy of the Articles of incorporator and By-Laws, the Minute Books, Report of committees, Petitions, Communications belonging to the Club, and keep a correct account of the receipts of the Club expenditures.
He shall make annually a full financial report of the Club expenditures; members added or lost; any other important matters of interest to Club members.
note: this is not officially amended/ applied for the officers of CBCBAI but just a references.