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  1. #1

    Default ::Hedgehog Lovers Of Cebu::

    [Please PM Badme with the following details:]

    1. Istorya Account:
    2. Complete Name:
    3. Contact Number:
    4. Hedgehog Gender[s] & Color[s]:
    5. Hedgehog Name[s]:

    Note: You may also join us even without a Hedgehog, just be present in our EB and we will be very glad to assist you in any way we can.

    UPDATED AS OF OCT. 23, 2011

    01. Adviser: Ian Aquino - [Badme]
    02. President: Ronald Allan Go - [ronnfive]
    03. Vice President: Earl Joshua Sumbi - [Albrecht]
    04. Treasurer: Vincent Dalocanog - [prince04]
    05. Secretary: Karen Nariele Leuterio - [sweety_kai]
    06. P.R.O.: Raymond Sestoso - [mhon]

    Active Members:
    07. Marie Agnes Ceniza - [agnesc]
    08. Kristopher Chuck Ceniza - [chuckceniza]
    09. Hazel Ricardel - [Kagami-chan]
    10. Mon Quin Omictin - [tobi_madara]
    11. June Raymund A. Alavarez - [junealvz]
    12. Kriski Paul Abais - [kippyabais]
    13. Philip Nigel Mier - [adjao]
    14. Ino R. Cabasan - [ino.cabasan]
    15. Lalie Muzares - [LMzrs]
    16. Roi Vernard Bala - [retrievern15]
    17. Pie Arela - [damon27]
    18. Venz Suarez - [vhenz]

    Junior Members:
    19. Roy Lindley Alvarez - [wolverine_ralvarez]
    20. Al Joseph Nadela - [Aledan13]
    21. Augey San Olacao - [sanzjie]
    22. Omar Alekssandr Arceo - [alekssandr]
    23. Verge Gamotan - [bilyotoy1]
    24. Dominic R. Zafra - [Ponyo]
    25. Luigi Miguel M. Caballero - [lockyme]
    26. Senica Mae Tee - [Bitukon11]
    27. Peter Martin Singson - [TheGenetix]

    Inactive Members:
    Jojo Arellano - [dingo_spike], Kendrick Carl Key - [Kencarlkey], Shiela Chan - [Tsubaki], Kino Lim - [k_lim], Derek Co - [Derekk_24], Noel Dela Torre - [Turntable], Wealtho Salve - [return85], Alfie Juarex - [taz101punk], Joanna Kristy Paclibar - [Pax], Grace Empeño - [Jupelita], Cromwell Retuya - [realcrow77], Ed Escarda - [Perfected], Ferdinand Edralin - [No istorya account], Serge Paul A. - [zeol], Mark Christian M. Caballero - [markydoo], Errol Van Nestor V.Bermoy - [vanz2008], Eddie P. Tiu - [Jaydes09], Gavin Paloma - [icephoenix_566], CeeJay Rivero - [CeeJay], Noel Engracial - [edziLiciOus], Kirk Paolo P. Go - [smo0thster], Jovani Lou Cabañero - [llVllallNll], John Benedict L. Mina - [saffron], Jari John C. Bayaca - [johnloz], Josh Lim - [joshme], Chuck Ion Dilao - [ionizer23], Sherwin G Zapanta - [greenman]

    Note: Some of the details may not be accurate, just PM me for the changes, thank you.

    Hello HLOC People! Welcome to our NEW THREAD!

    - The old thread was locked and we're granted to make a new thread by our Mod. muzikfreakah... in behalf of HLOC people sir, thank you so much for your help and support.
    - Link for our old thread just in case you want to review...
    - And link for our FAQ's also, alot of good infos in here...
    - Constantly we will be updating this thread from time to time, for newly members and any changes that you wish to add on the first post, just PM lang.
    - Special thanks to our President, Mr. Ian (aka, Badme) for granting me to start off this new thread and to all of you guys, I thank you for your support!
    - Again guys, welcome to our new thread and we hope you'll enjoy your stay here!

    [Alphabetical order]
    agneschoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09223549429 or 09331542071]

    Albrechthoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09176235470]

    Badmehoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09153632242]

    Kagami-chanhoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09065105193]

    mhonhoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09266542451]

    Prince04hoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09154076784]

    ronnfivehoglets available
    [PM or contact: 09066035305]

    Note: For those ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY, who have hedgehogs and hoglets for sale, if you wish to be added on breeder's list, "BE ACTIVE"... and you may PM Badme.

    [Alphabetical order]
    agnesc - Alg Dark Grey
    Albrecht - Alg Apricot
    Badme - Alg Ruby-eyed Cinnicot, Alg Grey
    ino.cabasan - WB Apricot
    prince04 - Alg Cinnicot [Jumbo]
    ronnfive - Alg Champagne, Alg Champagne [Jumbo], Alg Apricot, ESF [Extreme Snowflakes], DW [Double White]

    Note: For those ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY, that have hedgehogs for stud, and wishes to be added on breeder's stud list, you may PM Badme.
    Last edited by ronnfive; 06-06-2012 at 11:06 AM. Reason: adding & editing infos...

  2. #2
    STANDARD PRICING: Updated as of Oct. 23, 2011
    Common Colors: - [P2,000 - P2,500]
    - Albino, Grey, Dark Grey, Choco, Brown, Snowflakes
    Common Light Colors: - [P2,500 - P3,000]
    - Dark Cinnicot, Dark-eyed Cinnicot, Cinnamon
    Uncommon Colors: - [P3,000 - P4,000]
    - Ruby-eyed Cinnicot, Apricot, Pale Apricot, Champagne, Chocochip or ESF
    Rare Colors: - [P4,000 - UP]
    - Platinum, Pinto (High-White), Salt and Pepper (Pure Jet Black Quills)
    If Jumbo +500 [Needs confirmation first]

    [by: ronnfive]
    1. Plastic Bin - [with good ventilation, light weight thus easy to clean]
    2. Woodshavings - [with no fine dust]
    3. Catfood - [for staple diet ie., Iams, Friskies, Whiskas, Etc.]
    4. Water Bottle or Dish Bowls - [for water and food]
    5. Treats - [3x a week ie., Super worms, Meal worms, Crickets, Etc.]
    6. Exercise Wheel - [If available]

    - 6 months is the best breeding age, though depending on your hedgehog’s temperament she can be bred as early as 5 months [MINIMUM].
    - Male and Female should be in optimum health before breeding.
    - Male should have no female visitor in his cage for the last 2 weeks prior to breeding.
    - Weigh the Female before the stud starts [very useful in determining on the 4th week]
    - Put the Female into the Male's cage and remove all obstacles that might get on their way.
    - They have an average of 35 - 37 days gestation period.
    - Clean the cage and prepare a nest box that has enough space for the Mom and your expected hoglets a week before her expected due date.

    - Enlargement of her tummy [very visible on the 4th week, especially if your female is thin from the start of breeding]
    - Nipples will be bigger than the usual and somewhat more pink.
    - Eating and drinking more than the usual
    - Weight increase [if she has gain weight of about 50 grams or more, then probably she is pregnant]
    - If the entrance is almost blocked by woodshavings, then she is about to give birth.

    - please see post 41 on this link...

    [Generally fruits will be given raw and veggies cooked. Frozen food is too hard for hedgies so make sure that if frozen fruits/veggies are used that they are thawed out well.]
    Fruits - [Cherry, Apple, Watermelon, Banana, Pears, Strawberry, Cantaloupe, Papaya,
    Mango, Peaches, Pumpkin, Squash, Honeydew, Cranberries, Raspberry, Blackberry,
    Plum, Blueberry (remove the skin it can be a choking hazard.)]

    Veggies - [Carrots, Sweet Potato, Raddish, Turnip, Green Pepper, Asparagus, Corn
    (unseasoned), Broccoli, Peas (the mushy part inside)]

    Fruits - [Grapes, Raisins, Avocados, Oranges, Lemons, Lime, Grapefruit, Pineapple.]
    Veggies - [Onions, Lettuce, Garlic, Chives, Mushrooms, Tomatoes]

    NOTE: Anything with small seeds presents a choking hazard and overly acidic fruits are definitely not good for hedgies.

    [Cucumber, Beans, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Cabbage, Celery, Pomegranate, Coconut, Kiwi, Starfruit]

    Source: Hedgehog Central Forums • View topic - Fruit and Veggie List

    - Any animal with teeth CAN bite. The only pets we are aware of that never bite are millipedes, goldfish, and earth worms (yes, there are people who raise worms for fun!).
    - Hedgehogs are not typically biters, and their main line of defense is to curl themselves into a ball.
    - We don’t want to make you fearful of a hedgehog bite but we do want to make you aware that it can happen, what to do, and how to understand your hedgehog’s biting.
    - Hedgehogs can nip if they don’t recognize your scent or if they are nervous.
    - They also may use biting as a form of communication since they have limited vocalization skills. Hedgies will use biting as a way to express their needs, frustrations, feelings, or desires.
    - Biting may start when they are quilling as a means to express their discomfort.
    - Some hedgehogs can be provoked by waking them up too early or by trimming their nails.
    - Other hedgehogs only bite certain people or if their owners have been gone for a period of time. This type of biting is hedgie frustration or pouting.

    Note: If your hedgehogs bites you, don't return them on their Bin or house right away... we don't want them to conclude that (bite=back to cage or home)... You can put them on the floor or any safe place just not to their Bin... and just wash your hands after the bite with clean water and soap.

    Last edited by ronnfive; 03-06-2012 at 07:05 PM. Reason: adding and editing infos...

  3. #3
    hehe sorry guys wala nako hedgehogs..
    Last edited by Albrecht; 03-07-2014 at 08:42 PM.

  4. #4
    New year, New thread..
    More power to HLOC and to our Hedgies...

  5. #5
    Bago ra mi nagka hedgie, nya we couldnt be happier.

    im glad naay org na in ani, dedicated to quality hedgies!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by kippyabais View Post
    Bago ra mi nagka hedgie, nya we couldnt be happier.

    im glad naay org na in ani, dedicated to quality hedgies!
    when lang bro?^^ age? color? pics! pics! pics!!!

    sample pic of my bins..

    dimension.. 11H x 14W x 20L
    Last edited by Albrecht; 08-04-2011 at 12:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Albrecht View Post
    when lang bro?^^ age? color? pics! pics! pics!!!
    nindot sya-duwaan

  8. #8
    Guys maaung gabii,

    At wat age ma sexually active ang mga male hedge?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by kippyabais View Post
    pag jan 4 pa namo, from ronn
    around 10 weeks na siya nga cinnicot.

    lingaw kaayo kay super sweet. labi na if duwa-duwaan
    he or she? what's her name?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Albrecht View Post
    he or she? what's her name?
    she. her name is Cookie. haha
    angayan ra sad, mura siyag makaon kung mag tanaw ko usahay :P

  11.    Advertisement

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