^^^diet soda uses artificial sugar, bt der r studies showing dat dey cause sum health problems so bter do sum research
^^^diet soda uses artificial sugar, bt der r studies showing dat dey cause sum health problems so bter do sum research
some sweeteners have been associated with intestinal cancers
.. closing your eyes and placing your palm over it to help it relax is completely FALSE. In you want to relax your eyes from doing all those near work, just LOOK AT FAR. Far meaning, at least 20 feet away from you. Looking at far relaxes the accomodative mechanisms inside your eye.
.. and staring at a green-colored object for eye relaxation is true, since Green is what we call a neutral color, it's the middle of the spectral colors. ROYGBIV. Each color has it's corresponding wavelength and green's wavelength can at times, relax the eyes.
^^^so u mean, 2 hav a relaxing sleep we have to stare at d ceiling all night? dat's ridiculous
.. did i ever mention the word sleep?? c'mon now, read it again.Originally Posted by doce_pares
hehehe, maybe not bt dnt u rily feel relaxed wen u close ur eyes? (u dont hav 2 place palm over them though)
... no, not completely. You seem not to get the point here, it's not BODY RELAXATION. I'm talking about relaxing your EYES. During near work ( reading ) your accomodative mechanism inside your eyes is on constant strain. In order for it to be in a relax it must be in a state of emmetropization and to attain that, looking at far is the best thing to do. Sadly for people with astismatism this can't be applied, prescription glasses is their ONLY way to relieve eyestrain.Originally Posted by doce_pares
yea i know, it's jst dat i jst close my eyes wen i feel stressed enuf. bt mayb il take ur advice, bt der s jst not enuf green things around in d office dat cud be a gud spot 2 stare on, evrything jst seems so bright dat u tend 2 worsen ur eyestrain. ur ryt though bout d palm thing i jst dnt c d point of it, peace ma'am
Nice info.![]()
i agree with the points you have written. i learned that from working at fitness first...hehe
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