Goodevening everyone,
These are the proposed list of activities for this year. The finality of said activity shall be deemed subject for votation of existing members of CBCBAI. If you find one activity suited for your own convenience then please mark your vote. The activity with the highest vote shall be the regular activity the club will do for the year and those with minor votes shall be considered as special events.Anyone who have an activity in mind are welcome to post and add such activity in the said list.
Pls comply.
Thank you.
1. Tour de tangkal (members backyard farm) - san pedro, janroe
2. Tour de bukid (Mountain trekking & Bantam Hunting) -
3. Tour de manila (rafael farm) -
1. Tour de tangkal (members backyard farm) - san pedro, janroe, jdjd
2. Tour de bukid (Mountain trekking & Bantam Hunting) -
3. Tour de manila (rafael farm) -
sir seph kmusta imo breeding krn sir? ako silkie cge itlog bsag walay nag upa....ako nlng maluoy kay muhupo man kung birigan sa chabo hehehehe
mao ba sir janroe, ready na diay kaau sir
kaluoy pud sir oi, naa koy ready pud diri na broodcock sir... pwede ug ganahan imung hen,pasuruya lang diri kay usa raman pud ni ka baye ang pares niya krn![]()
@jdjd nag abot jd diay ta.. hehe kanang drey mura sd jud na og si andrey bai seph.
@bai janroe.. 2 og 3 ko ehhehe
1. Tour de tangkal (members backyard farm) - san pedro, janroe, jdjd
2. Tour de bukid (Mountain trekking & Bantam Hunting) -andot
3. Tour de manila (rafael farm) -
1. Tour de tangkal (members backyard farm) - san pedro, janroe, jdjd, barry
2. Tour de bukid (Mountain trekking & Bantam Hunting) -andot, barry
3. Tour de manila (rafael farm) - barry
ckrayzie vato in tha hauz! que paso bantameros......andre btaw ni..eheheheheh sa wakas!!!
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