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  1. #91

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Communism is now a history? Sureness? Since when napatik sa kasaysayan ang estado nga Communism, sure ka kasabot ka sa Communism?

  2. #92

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    hahaha. Just Reread the thread. Realized only two folks is open about Communism. Yours truly and the guy above me. ahehehe.

    now thats something you wont notice everday.

  3. #93

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Quote Originally Posted by bcasabee
    Lahi man gud ang Christianity ug Communism........Communism is more of like creating an almost perfect society in this imperfect world........Christianity is about gaining a space in a society in which God has created for us in heaven.........Klaro kaayo ang deprensiya..........We Christians believe that a perfect society is already in place....all you have to do is reach that place......While the communists are still trying to build that almost perfect society.............can they do that? Of course not, again, they'll just do more unintentional harm than good............
    i guess the perfect world you mean is your own personal world where the realities of the society and other people doesn't count. or does your perfect world includes children who live by begging or scavenging on others leftovers?

    "when i give food to the poor, they call me a saint. when i ask the poor why they have no food, the call me a communist."

    -dom helder camara
    archbishop of recife, brazil

  4. #94

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Christianity is based on faith not ideas. God knows we are imperfect, that's why He sent Christ to do it and die for us once and for all. That's when faith comes in. However, the kingdom of God, is not of this world but on His people, you are either part of His dominion or not.

    Though I couldn't care for what type of government we are under, I truly believe that Communism is the least type of authoritative body we need - with the kind of leaders we have, and the dubious minds they posess.

    Perhaps one day they'll order a genocide on all Cebuanos, spearheaded by other Visayan factions or so on, because we are running out of food - which would be a lie, of course. And all the other misinformations which the communist government has strongly implemented via politicians throughout history.

    One thing about nuns and priests being Marxist is that many spiritual leaders out there are never really quite attuned to the true teachings of Christianity and are likely to be overblowned on religious doctrines and government which is wrong, for they should be submissive to the government God has put into authority over them. "Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's." And all the teachings of Paul in the book of Romans, etc...

    How can a Christian be a communist when Christ said, that he should "Go and make disciples of all nations." ? Though there are false Christians. Christian Communism sounds like an oxy*****.

  5. #95

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    OT. It seems like you are so familiar with your choice of words here... tindak.

    if you are so sure... what would be your idea on how this "estado" to be established on our current status of
    our system right now? arms struggle? political? or what? explain it to us....

    Quote Originally Posted by hala tindak jud
    Communism is now a history? Sureness? Since when napatik sa kasaysayan ang estado nga Communism, sure ka kasabot ka sa Communism?

  6. #96

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    I have this very simple question maybe somewhat bordering on naivete but here it is:

    Would we still be able to aire out our frustrations against the government if there's something we don't like about how they're handling their duties? Would we still be able to discuss Politics freely if we adapt Communism or the like in a very public manner just say.. like what we're doing right now?

    the simpler the explanation the better, thanks.
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  7. #97

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Guys... Hold your Horses for a Little Bit...

    [size=10pt][size=10pt]PLEASE CITE YOUR REFERENCES! If you have any. [/size][/size]


    Muchas Gracias!

  8. #98

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    @ omad



    Early Communism was practiced by Christians. You could check it out.

    @mata hari

    there is a vast literature on Marx and Modern COmmunism.

    So to start with, most of what i sed in this forum is taken from lectures and discussions. But for the sake of citing some research materials on Marx.

    A Critique on Political Economy would be a good start.
    Stanford Online Philosophical Encyclopedia
    Communist Manifesto (though i dont recommend this one)

    there are so many others.

  9. #99

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Quote Originally Posted by pandisal
    OT. It seems like you are so familiar with your choice of words here... tindak.

    if you are so sure... what would be your idea on how this "estado" to be established on our current status of
    our system right now? arms struggle? political? or what? explain it to us....

    Bai pandisal, paumanhin po. Greetings! I am not familiar with my choices of WORDS, ser, common sense lang ho gikan sa simple nga tao, ser. I am quoting that person kay he has not been analyzing the issue. When was Communism achieved since human learn to read? If we are discussing history in here then I can tell that Communism has not been installed in any country and not been proven a failure, why, ser? As simple as this, it has not yet been applied, tho naay nag practice to become but it needs more thatn half of this entire planet to accept the theory of communism and it needs almost 3/4 of the the total world population under Socialist state to begin the Revolution towards Communism. I hate to say the word but in order to achieve certain goals you must try harder or even hardest of the hardest as you can imagine.

    Andres Bonifacio used armed struggle to win over the colonizers, w/c was patterned after the French Revolution. It was the fact and given by the history before first system where naa nay estado, niagi tanan og kagubot, pagmention kuno og evolution sa state nga wala mi agi og kagubot?

    As of now, walay si kinsa Ponso Pilatoha ang makadayun dayun ug instalar og Komunsimo nga katilingban, kinahanglan ihan-ay og hapinan og tukma og lig-un nga pundasyon ang usa ka katilingban paingon sa usa ka Komunismo nga estado, ang pagdamgo sa YUTOPIYA dili sayop, susama ra ug nagdamgo ka nga malangit ka, sahi raba? Kinsa man kuno ang dili ganahan sa hapsay og patas nga kinabuhi sulod sa usa ka katiliingban?

    So mao na, in order nga maabpt ang estado nga Komyunismo, moagi pa ta og rebolusyon, mao na ang balaod sa pag-ugmad sa sistema sa politikal, kultural, ekonomikal nga isgutanan. Kung mangandoy ko nga ugma damlag mag Komunismo na ang Pinas para ma attain nato ang Utopia, hanggaw ra kaayo ko, kinahanglan sa gikaingon ko pa andam na ang pampolitika, [pangkultura, pangekonomikanhon nga dugukan para itukod ang usa ka patas nga Estado nga mao ang Komunismo.

    Sa pagkakaron, ako ibalik sa imo ang imong pangutana, unsa may angayan bai? Ikaw isip usa ka indibidwal, unsa man imong ikatabang sa pagusab sa atong nasud o paghimo kaha og gamay kirig kirig para man lang maluwas ta aning Krisis?

    Share sad bai, ayaw sige pangutana, di naman ta grade one, mga dagko naman ta, binairay ta sa atong prinsipyo kung naa man galing ta ani, kung wa man gani ta baruganan, then...SIge, pangutana, komentaryo, supak lang sa taman, ang kasaysayan na ang maghusga sa imong kaamguhan.

    Ug by the way, armed struggle bai if i will correct it bai and armed struggle is a political way.

    If i want ti discuss on what is a political matters, it is our everyday life...that is political.

    Imong gipanghimo nga may kalangkuban sa katilingban og ingon man sa isig kaingon.

  10. #100

    Default Re: Is Philippines better off as a Communist country?!

    Cuba is a socialist state. It may not be a rich country but everyone has access to free college education and universal health care. =)

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