View Poll Results: Do you agree with the Pope's comments on condom use?

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  • Yes

    51 75.00%
  • No

    9 13.24%
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    8 11.76%
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Results 181 to 186 of 186
  1. #181
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Blog Entries

    uhhh.. i think that statement would be in appropriate.. are you saying that only christians knows peace? im though lau na ta sa topic, but it seems you are looking down on others who have a different belief...
    What I wish to emphasize is the nature of christianity by which in how it would contribute in upholding peace. Christianity clearly invoke "Love one another", if this also practiced by other religions then they also qualify.

    as ive mentioned in another thread, abstinence only forms the first defense.. combining it with a second defense like condoms would drastically reduce the chances of undesirable outcomes.. (HIV and unwanted pregnancies)

    do consider that there are groups here in the phils that practice polygamy.. we cannot say their culture is wrong by using your christian standards... lets respect their culture/beliefs..
    I think abstinence is the most effective way, the most moral and the most safest way.
    Okay let me rephrase just to satisfy the confusion.
    Stick only to your wife or wives.

    kinsa ba diay ganahan under2x-on tawn oi?... with limited resources, its human survival instinct to hoard resources to ensure the well-being of future generations.. we are not a communist country.. let each man sow to what he reaps.. kung maningkamot cya og maau cya modiskarte, it would be injustice for him to be rewarded equally with those of lesser effort.
    The competition is there of course,
    but it should be conducted fairly, no one should be threatened
    nor exploited. We have the justice system to tend for the need of fairness.

    prevention is better than cure,, right now, we are already at the curing stage.. damage was already done..

    support the rh-bill, pro-life! pro-quality of life..
    Yup, following morally adhered life is also a big factor for prevention in
    contacting the AIDS virus and unwanted pregnancies.
    Last edited by Tirong-say; 11-29-2010 at 03:18 PM.

  2. #182
    control one's sexual urges ahahha

  3. #183
    Lim: Condoms

    THE Pope’s recent comments on condoms have launched a new controversy, not to mention a lot of confusion as to whether or not condoms are no longer the intrinsic evil that they were labeled to be.

    Personally, I see no confusion in the Pope’s statements. He’s made it clear that he is still against artificial contraception and that condoms may be used for the prevention of the spread of diseases such as HIV but not for contraception. The Catholic Church’s stance remains the same.

    As to whether or not the Pope is beginning to soften his personal stance on contraception remains a mystery. It does seem, though, that the pontiff is beginning to open his mind to the possibility that even the Catholic faith has to evolve to remain relevant to its flock.

    Ultra-conservative Catholics around the world are up in arms, castigating media for quoting the pontiff out of context. The bishops and cardinals are largely in denial. But the reality is that there was no misquote.

    It’s been a week since news of the Pope’s controversial statements has come out. There has been no retraction. No protest from the Pope himself. On the contrary, he has admitted being aware that his statements would provoke intense debate.

    I think that the Pope in his recent statements has displayed an amazing sense of courage.

    It is not easy for the head of the Catholic Church to admit (after all the heated debates about it) that condoms can, in fact, reduce the risk of infection from diseases such as HIV and that while condom use is not the moral solution to the problem of HIV, it can be the first step to assuming moral responsibility.

    The Pope could have chosen to lie like so many others who believe that the means justifies the end. He could have chosen to ignore the cold, hard medical facts. But the Pope chose to speak the truth even if it meant stirring up controversy not just for the Church but for himself.

    If the head of the Catholic Church has the humility to admit that he was not absolutely right before and that he could have been wrong about condoms as an intrinsic evil, perhaps, there is hope yet for me to return to the Catholic Church.

    If Pope Benedict XVI can have the humility to say that he will not hesitate to become the first pontiff to resign willingly in more than 700 years if he felt himself no longer able to “physically, psychologically and spiritually” lead the Church, then I have finally found my Pope. God does answer prayers, even those from a heretic.

    The Pope’s incredible sense of humility as well as humanity should inspire the clergy to think twice about everything else that they harp about on a daily basis. Enlightenment is not exclusive to the laity. Is this victory for the liberals? I think it’s victory for humanity as a whole.

    Lim: Condoms | Sun.Star Network Online

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkey360 View Post

    The Pope’s incredible sense of humility as well as humanity should inspire the clergy to think twice about everything else that they harp about on a daily basis. Enlightenment is not exclusive to the laity. Is this victory for the liberals? I think it’s victory for humanity as a whole.

    im not really a fan of the catholic church but its good to hear that there are some popes who value scientific logic equally with spiritual aspects... these people stay close to reality even if they draw flak from others..

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    im not really a fan of the catholic church but its good to hear that there are some popes who value scientific logic equally with spiritual aspects... these people stay close to reality even if they draw flak from others..
    there no punishment or human laws for disobedient..
    if you're not a believer or don't follow church values..

    If some wants private rights.. then the catholic church should be respected on their stand also...

    so be it!

    walay nagpugong nimo kung gusto ka mugamit condom or gi ingnan ka na sinner ka..
    the chuch only preach.. now. if naigo ka or nakunsencia ka ug cge ka kontra sa church..

    then means your soul is affected...and you want the church to justify your sin..

    Im a catholic..
    I respect others who dont want to use condom
    I also respect users..
    I respect the bishops and pope..and I respect everyone..

    ..coz in the end.. its your responsibilty...

    ang kusog mubagotbot..maoy nakonsencia...

    dali reply!

  6. #186
    The question is equivocal. I could say yes but only if read in the context of the interview it was referred to. I could say no if understood in the manner most media interpreted the interview. Anyway, here is a clarification on that issue:

    source :

    Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

    On the trivilization of sexuality

    Regarding certain interpretations of "Light of the World"

    Following the publication of the interview-book Light of the World by Benedict XVI, a number of erroneous interpretations have emerged which have caused confusion concerning the position of the Catholic Church regarding certain questions of sexual morality. The thought of the Pope has been repeatedly manipulated for ends and interests which are entirely foreign to the meaning of his words – a meaning which is evident to anyone who reads the entire chapters in which human sexuality is treated. The intention of the Holy Father is clear: to rediscover the beauty of the divine gift of human sexuality and, in this way, to avoid the cheapening of sexuality which is common today.

    Some interpretations have presented the words of the Pope as a contradiction of the traditional moral teaching of the Church. This hypothesis has been welcomed by some as a positive change and lamented by others as a cause of concern – as if his statements represented a break with the doctrine concerning contraception and with the Church’s stance in the fight against AIDS. In reality, the words of the Pope – which specifically concern a gravely disordered type of human behaviour, namely prostitution (cf. Light of the World, pp. 117-119) – do not signify a change in Catholic moral teaching or in the pastoral practice of the Church.

    As is clear from an attentive reading of the pages in question, the Holy Father was talking neither about conjugal morality nor about the moral norm concerning contraception. This norm belongs to the tradition of the Church and was summarized succinctly by Pope Paul VI in paragraph 14 of his Encyclical Letter Humanae vitae, when he wrote that "also to be excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation—whether as an end or as a means." The idea that anyone could deduce from the words of Benedict XVI that it is somehow legitimate, in certain situations, to use condoms to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is completely arbitrary and is in no way justified either by his words or in his thought. On this issue the Pope proposes instead – and also calls the pastors of the Church to propose more often and more effectively (cf. Light of the World, p. 147) – humanly and ethically acceptable ways of behaving which respect the inseparable connection between the unitive and procreative meaning of every conjugal act, through the possible use of natural family planning in view of responsible procreation.

    On the pages in question, the Holy Father refers to the completely different case of prostitution, a type of behaviour which Christian morality has always considered gravely immoral (cf. Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, n. 27; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2355). The response of the entire Christian tradition – and indeed not only of the Christian tradition – to the practice of prostitution can be summed up in the words of St. Paul: "Flee from fornication" (1 Cor 6:1. The practice of prostitution should be shunned, and it is the duty of the agencies of the Church, of civil society and of the State to do all they can to liberate those involved from this practice.

    In this regard, it must be noted that the situation created by the spread of AIDS in many areas of the world has made the problem of prostitution even more serious. Those who know themselves to be infected with HIV and who therefore run the risk of infecting others, apart from committing a sin against the sixth commandment are also committing a sin against the fifth commandment – because they are consciously putting the lives of others at risk through behaviour which has repercussions on public health. In this situation, the Holy Father clearly affirms that the provision of condoms does not constitute "the real or moral solution" to the problem of AIDS and also that "the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality" in that it refuses to address the mistaken human behaviour which is the root cause of the spread of the virus. In this context, however, it cannot be denied that anyone who uses a condom in order to diminish the risk posed to another person is intending to reduce the evil connected with his or her immoral activity. In this sense the Holy Father points out that the use of a condom "with the intention of reducing the risk of infection, can be a first step in a movement towards a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality." This affirmation is clearly compatible with the Holy Father’s previous statement that this is "not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection."

    Some commentators have interpreted the words of Benedict XVI according to the so-called theory of the "lesser evil". This theory is, however, susceptible to proportionalistic misinterpretation (cf. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Veritatis splendor, n. 75-77). An action which is objectively evil, even if a lesser evil, can never be licitly willed. The Holy Father did not say – as some people have claimed – that prostitution with the use of a condom can be chosen as a lesser evil. The Church teaches that prostitution is immoral and should be shunned. However, those involved in prostitution who are HIV positive and who seek to diminish the risk of contagion by the use of a condom may be taking the first step in respecting the life of another – even if the evil of prostitution remains in all its gravity. This understanding is in full conformity with the moral theological tradition of the Church.

    In conclusion, in the battle against AIDS, the Catholic faithful and the agencies of the Catholic Church should be close to those affected, should care for the sick and should encourage all people to live abstinence before and fidelity within marriage. In this regard it is also important to condemn any behaviour which cheapens sexuality because, as the Pope says, such behaviour is the reason why so many people no longer see in sexuality an expression of their love: "This is why the fight against the banalization of sexuality is also part of the struggle to ensure that sexuality is treated as a positive value and to enable it to have a positive effect on the whole of man’s being" (Light of the World, p. 119).

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