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  1. #71

    This is true.. even Manny Villar and economist mentioned that GMA did an impressive job to our Fiscal Policy..

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by mlhl@7 View Post
    This is true.. even Manny Villar and economist mentioned that GMA did an impressive job to our Fiscal Policy..
    dili maka dawat ang mga noy2x haters nga naa maayo na buhat c gloria during her time as a president

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by cebuiluv View Post
    how come she became a good leader when corruption is rampant!??
    corruption is always rampant in phils

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by cebuiluv View Post
    how come she became a good leader when corruption is rampant!??
    being a good leader has nothing to do with being corrupt or not.. you could be a saint but be poor leader...

    ab-NOY may not be corrupt (supposedly..) but as a leader, what has he done except play the popularity game by saying yes to popular but stupid opinion and saying no to important but ugly action...

    Marcos maybe uber-corrupt but he was a good leader..if wasnt, he coudnt have hold onto power for 20+ years..

    leadership is a skill... however you use it is up to you whether be it for good or evil..

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    being a good leader has nothing to do with being corrupt or not.. you could be a saint but be poor leader...

    ab-NOY may not be corrupt (supposedly..) but as a leader, what has he done except play the popularity game by saying yes to popular but stupid opinion and saying no to important but ugly action...

    Marcos maybe uber-corrupt but he was a good leader..if wasnt, he coudnt have hold onto power for 20+ years..

    leadership is a skill... however you use it is up to you whether be it for good or evil..
    Case sample:
    Germany under Hitler during WWII. Leading a war on both sides along with his political machinery "Nazi". And yet, look what is Germany today especially with its industries and in the field of science and technology.

  6. #76
    saba diha colby ui...ingna lng nagpabuta-bungol jud ka tungod sa grabeng dumot nimo ni GMA. it only shows how intolerant you are sa opinyon sa uban. secluded ra kau imo mindset. have you thoroughly done your homework? or nagbase lng kas perceptions nimo? free your mind mam ui. mura man kag karaang taw.

    i guess...even if you do some research or naay ipanawng dihas imuha, dli tingali na nimo madawat ug mangita jpon kag lusot pra ma retain nimo imong pride.

    kami, bsag kritiko ni Pnoy, mo appreciate man sd gani mi kung naa gyud cyay maayong nbuhat. kung wla, aw kahibaw naka...

  7. #77
    hahhahahhahahha.....peps...don't include the corruption ha...para dli ta mahimong hipokrito....heheheheh....GMA is still and will be the best president of my lifetime...

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by gcc4426 View Post
    saba diha colby ui...ingna lng nagpabuta-bungol jud ka tungod sa grabeng dumot nimo ni GMA. it only shows how intolerant you are sa opinyon sa uban. secluded ra kau imo mindset. have you thoroughly done your homework? or nagbase lng kas perceptions nimo? free your mind mam ui. mura man kag karaang taw.

    i guess...even if you do some research or naay ipanawng dihas imuha, dli tingali na nimo madawat ug mangita jpon kag lusot pra ma retain nimo imong pride.

    kami, bsag kritiko ni Pnoy, mo appreciate man sd gani mi kung naa gyud cyay maayong nbuhat. kung wla, aw kahibaw naka...'s been almost half a year na...ang government ni ang wang wang ramn ang napatik sa mind sa mga tao nga nabuhat niya..heheheheh...mine ra ni ha...kung duna man...wala lang cguro ko mag update sa iyang habuhat

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by cebuiluv View Post
    how come she became a good leader when corruption is rampant!??
    this still sleeping....hahahahah. open your eyes. every government system(S) carries corruption. let's try not to be hypocrite about the corruption issues. heheheheh

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by boom_box View Post
    Case sample:
    Germany under Hitler during WWII. Leading a war on both sides along with his political machinery "Nazi". And yet, look what is Germany today especially with its industries and in the field of science and technology.
    therefore hitler was an effective leader.. but sadly he became paranoid in the later part which became his downfall.. he just messed up with better leaders on the opposite side..

    (leadership has no connection with being good or evil.. it is merely a skill)

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