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  1. #121

    Quote Originally Posted by INFRACTION View Post
    hapit na ang 20yr deadline.. sighs... 1yr nalang left... worst back to square one
    murag 6 months naman lang tingali sir

  2. #122
    by the simple fact that half of the posters on this thread think that Webb et al are innocent and that the prosecution's case was weak, it shows that there is indeed reason to doubt their conviction, and that reasonable doubt alone is sufficient to invalidate the case. I for one could not TRULY say whether webb et al are guilty or innocent, all i could say that there was no PHYSICAL evidence against the suspects and that the testimonies by the prosecution presented were shaky at best.

    to those who claim that webb et al are guilty, i ask you this: how certain are you? are you willing to stand before web et al, look in them in the eyes, and tell them with no reservation that they are indeed guilty BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT? and are you willing, with unflinching honesty, to tell Lauro Vizconde that you are certain BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that those men you have sentenced to rot in prison for the rest of their lives are TRULY the men who wiped out his family? i guess it would be very easy to type "YES" diria sa forums, it's just three letters after all.

  3. #123
    and those who claim that Philippine justice system is corrupt (which is true to some extent), wouldn't the justice system cover also the lower courts who found webb et al guilty? or is the system composed only of the supreme court? are the lower courts then MORE honest than the SC? isn't the NBI itself part of justice system?

  4. #124
    C.I.A. icon_king's Avatar
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    mao ni ang resulta sa bad goverance. asta ang justice system bati.

  5. #125
    ^^sala gihapn na sa mga tao. taka2x mn gd og vote.

  6. #126
    facts/evidence/proof/testimonies/documents ang basehan kung naa ba gi violate ang taw nga law or wala
    Last edited by masakiton; 12-17-2010 at 08:58 PM.

  7. #127
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    padung nasad ni sa limot ning kasoha

  8. #128
    C.I.A. maddox_pitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jantehshiznit View Post
    it was showed last Sunday in Che Che Lazaro's TV Progam in ABS-CBN.

    Cheche Lazarro Presents Dalawang Mukha ng Hustisya
    all parts

    YouTube - Dalawang Mukha ng Hustisya October 17 2010 P 1
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 18
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 19
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 20
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 21
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 22
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 23
    YouTube - FilipinoUpdates 24

    IMO, this is a case for Publicity. i really feel bad for Huibert Webb, i can really say he is Innocent due to the evidences shown by his side. in which, on the other side, there were no evidence shown.

    just try to watch all the links.

    its up to you to decide if its true or not. but im really convinced that he is innocent.

    imagine how screwed up our Judiciary System is, it was ruled out to please the People (the masses who keeps on demonstrating protests, the poor who sees this case as Rich vs Poor or Influential against a Non Influential, the people who wants the Richest to be put in Jail without knowing the Truth).

    i really felt bad for this case. it was the state or the govt destroys his entire innocent life. even Hope was gone due to the carelessness of the Govt agencies, significant evidences to solve this case was lost.

    Imagine on how bad our Justice System is.

    whats your say guys?
    i believe Hubert Webb is innocent... not just because of the news etc..but i know someone who is a close friend of the Webbs and he really said it wasn't Hubert...He was indeed in the US at the time of the crime...a lot of people can testify about that..... one of the Justices is also my professor's 2nd cousin, again, he said Mr Webb was not here during the massacre... and besides, i still believe in the credibility of the US...di man lalim muadto sa USA niya balik na sad ana kadali...

    maybe things were just blown out of proportion because of his family background...

    i hope Mr. Lauro Vizconde would get the justice that he seeks for his family... it's sad that the real culprit is still out there...

  9. #129
    kinsa jd ang primary suspect ani

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by noel_llapa View Post
    by the simple fact that half of the posters on this thread think that Webb et al are innocent and that the prosecution's case was weak, it shows that there is indeed reason to doubt their conviction, and that reasonable doubt alone is sufficient to invalidate the case. I for one could not TRULY say whether webb et al are guilty or innocent, all i could say that there was no PHYSICAL evidence against the suspects and that the testimonies by the prosecution presented were shaky at best.

    to those who claim that webb et al are guilty, i ask you this: how certain are you? are you willing to stand before web et al, look in them in the eyes, and tell them with no reservation that they are indeed guilty BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT? and are you willing, with unflinching honesty, to tell Lauro Vizconde that you are certain BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that those men you have sentenced to rot in prison for the rest of their lives are TRULY the men who wiped out his family? i guess it would be very easy to type "YES" diria sa forums, it's just three letters after all.
    BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT!!! thats the most important line gyud! Kung naay doubt... acquit dayon! kinahanglan sure na sure gyud na GUILTY.

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