Originally Posted by
^ It's better not to reopen the case, knowing how things are here. Most likely, if they reopen it, there will be pressure to arrest someone. For those of us who believe Hubert is guilty, this can only mean that whoever is arrested, is going to be innocent. And so a further crime will have been committed and the SC justices will have to live with another black mark on their souls.
What really strikes me as strange is how the SC has treated this case differently from other cases. There was a recent case in the news of 5 people who were accused of murder who appealed to the SC because there was already another criminal who confessed to the same crime and the SC denied their appeal. This is a blatant case of double standards. Is it because those 5 people didn't have enough money to buy the sympathy of the court? This court is losing the people's respect with each new decision they make. Personally, I have lost all respect for this court and accordingly my opinion matches that of many foreign surveys consistently ranking Philippine justice in the bottom three in Asia.
are you in law school or a practicing lawyer?

although you are not alone in your opinion just in case you are in the noble profession, you are bound to respect SC decision to take to have the force of law...
that is what is fascinating about the profession isnt it ? its dynamic..
my advice: one case at a time...