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Results 101 to 110 of 136
  1. #101

    Quote Originally Posted by kenites View Post
    ^^ Mao man jud na mindset pud nato mostly...Hilig man gud daw ang pinoy ug melodrama, we tend to always favor the underdog..If ang dato gani ang maka pabor we always accused dayon nga it's because of their influence and money...
    mag pa dala sa gi bati

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    ni decide based on facts dili personal feelings
    actually most cases are decided base on feelings sa tingin ko lang... kay in the first place these justices are human beings... they have their own biases.. so its actually base on what "feel and think" na dapat nila katuohan...

    like they said there are many facts in a case but its actually up to the one deciding which are the MATERIAL FACTS...

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    pwede ko mangayo sa link sa kaso... wala ko kabasa..


    personally i think webb is gulity... have not read the case yet.. i might change my mind after reading the case.....

    G.R. No. 176389

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    actually most cases are decided base on feelings sa tingin ko lang... kay in the first place these justices are human beings... they have their own biases.. so its actually base on what "feel and think" na dapat nila katuohan...

    like they said there are many facts in a case but its actually up to the one deciding which are the MATERIAL FACTS...
    You hit the nail in the head jud sis.. and furthermore, as mentioned many times before, the Supreme Court is forbidden from ruling on the facts as determined by the RTC and can rule only on matters of law.

    Supreme Court rulings are always subjective and opinionated, because they are by nature legal opinions. They just have the added benefit of being case law, which adds a lot of weight to their opinions. But at the end of the day, they are just opinions made by corruptible human beings. Opinions can be swayed by money, if the judges are corrupt.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    actually most cases are decided base on feelings sa tingin ko lang... kay in the first place these justices are human beings... they have their own biases.. so its actually base on what "feel and think" na dapat nila katuohan...

    like they said there are many facts in a case but its actually up to the one deciding which are the MATERIAL FACTS...
    ops.. sorry.. kuwangan na siya ang completo kai "ni decide based on facts/evidence/testimony/documents/proof provided by both parties dili personal feelings sa masa"

  6. #106
    masakiton basig daghan na moreport anang imong abusar. Abusada na man ka dai. Daghan naman namadlong nimo. Nisamut naman hinuon ka og tukar. Nalingaw ka nga wurag forum sa psycho ward na ang thread tungod sa imong mga balik balik og post? Ikapila man na nimo i-post, ika 100x? Nakasuka na jud na imong batasan uy, usba na na.. galagot na ang mga forumers diri sa imong antics. Naay nagsuggest nga i-report na daw ka sa mods, pero wa ko nibuhat kay naluoy ko nimo. Pero karon samok naman jud kaayo ni imong style. Kanang style sa binuang ba.

  7. #107
    gara2x nman na iyaha! edukado pman ta.... tsk3x

  8. #108
    i kinda remember this case. i think webb and cohorts are guilty. but... the nbi and prosecution didn't have a credible witness in alfaro. mao ra gyud na. if they had found a better witness... di ni ma-acquit.

    SC said naa pa man gud doubt., mao acquit.

  9. #109
    Too much csi.. SSRN-A Study of Juror Expectations and Demands Concerning Scientific Evidence: Does the 'CSI Effect' Exist? by Donald Shelton, Young Kim, Gregg Barak

    pero on second thought... if there is doubt the SC must rule in favor of the accused... equipoise rule... (sakto ba?)

    personally id say it was difficult to have a conviction if parehas ni jessica alfaro imo state witness... she lacks the credibility considering sige ug flip flop iya mga affidavits, except sa cross examination...

    daghan bitaw loopholes sa arguments sa prosecution... daghan loose knots... but im not saying webb is innocent..

    but then can reopen the case when they get new evidence... which unlikely...

  10. #110
    ^ It's better not to reopen the case, knowing how things are here. Most likely, if they reopen it, there will be pressure to arrest someone. For those of us who believe Hubert is guilty, this can only mean that whoever is arrested, is going to be innocent. And so a further crime will have been committed and the SC justices will have to live with another black mark on their souls.

    What really strikes me as strange is how the SC has treated this case differently from other cases. There was a recent case in the news of 5 people who were accused of murder who appealed to the SC because there was already another criminal who confessed to the same crime and the SC denied their appeal. This is a blatant case of double standards. Is it because those 5 people didn't have enough money to buy the sympathy of the court? This court is losing the people's respect with each new decision they make. Personally, I have lost all respect for this court and accordingly my opinion matches that of many foreign surveys consistently ranking Philippine justice in the bottom three in Asia.

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