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  1. #1

    Default WikiLeaks cable: Beijing saw Arroyo as 'good leader'

    MANILA, Philippines - A leaked cable from the US Department of State revealed China's views on the Philippines and the government of then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo back in 2007.

    A cable sent from the US Embassy in Beijing, dated March 5, 2007, showed discussions between Eric John, then US Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP), and two senior Chinese diplomats regarding Southeast Asia.

    The document was posted on the whistleblower website WikiLeaks on Sunday, December 12.

    The cable, labeled "secret" by the Beijing post, focused on the "overlapping interests" in the region, specifically among Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Thailand, East Timor, and the Philippines.

    Under the subhead "Progress in the Philippines, but More Needed," the cable revealed the discussion between John and Hu Zhengyue, then Chinese Minstry of Foreign Affairs Director General for Asian Affairs, focusing on the Chinese efforts in dealing with the southeast Asian nation.

    It revealed that China saw poverty as the "key challenge" facing the Philippines, and, as a response, Hu said they have "invested in its agricultural development and transportation infrastructure."

    "Beijing recognizes corruption as the second significant problem facing the Philippines, but believes it "cannot do much about that," DG Hu said," the cable stated.

    'GMA a good leader'

    Meanwhile, China saw then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as a "good leader," saying that she has shown "she is in control."

    John agreed with the Chinese observation, saying Arroyo has "stabilized Philippine leadership and enacted strong fiscal and economic policy."

    Despite this, John and Hu both agreed that their countries must encourage Manila to "continue working hard to promote transparency and good governance."

    The cable also showed John outlined the "extremely successful" approach to counter-terrorism the Philippines has taken in Mindanao, "with the support of the United States."

    Hu also said that the US and Chinese efforts in the Philippines, while "working from different directions," are "complementary."

  2. #2
    no one else but the Filipinos have the right to say whether a president is good or bad.

    anyone else, is just lame talk or fueled by vested and possibly self serving interests.

  3. #3
    Reminds me of ZTE dealings,
    isn't that a chinese company.
    Gloria is so fond with Chinese, maybe the compliments
    was just returned.

  4. #4
    yeah..even an obscure kazakh peasant may have superlatives for arroyo, but will it mean anything?

  5. #5
    C.I.A. r3roble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samsungster View Post
    John agreed with the Chinese observation, saying Arroyo has "stabilized Philippine leadership and enacted strong fiscal and economic policy."
    in my opinion they are right in a way.. especially the fiscal and economic policies she made.. Philippines was in the brink of bankruptcy when she assumed the presidency...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by I-lab-Iero View Post
    Reminds me of ZTE dealings,
    isn't that a chinese company.
    Gloria is so fond with Chinese, maybe the compliments
    was just returned.
    That's a preposterous suggestion. The compliments were not made to Gloria and the Chinese did not know these cables would be leaked. These are private thoughts of certain officials in China. It has nothing to do with quid pro quo for Gloria at all.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    That's a preposterous suggestion. The compliments were not made to Gloria and the Chinese did not know these cables would be leaked. These are private thoughts of certain officials in China. It has nothing to do with quid pro quo for Gloria at all.
    Yup, Literally I admit.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    That's a preposterous suggestion. The compliments were not made to Gloria and the Chinese did not know these cables would be leaked. These are private thoughts of certain officials in China. It has nothing to do with quid pro quo for Gloria at all.
    private thoughts they may be..but nevertheless they are high officials who were part of china's government, and therefore a reflection somehow of chinese policy and thinking too.

  9. #9
    a good leader doesnt necesarilly mean a righteous person..

    in terms of leadership skills, Gloria is good... damn good... shes in control and she calls the shots..

    compared to noynoy, who is much dependent on popularity ratings and focuses on "pogi" points..

    arroyo may have or have not stolen billions, but the fact that she got away with it or is not prosecuted is due to her skill..

    i commend her for her skill (though i may not agree on her agendas)...
    "when doing something, at the very least do it right" -apil na dire ang pagkurakot..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tophat View Post
    no one else but the Filipinos have the right to say whether a president is good or bad.

    anyone else, is just lame talk or fueled by vested and possibly self serving interests.
    i dont agree on this. if bati ang president sa usa ka nasud, dli ra ang mga tao nga naa nagpuyo ana nga nasud ang ma apektuhan...

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