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Looking down on people is not the same as hate. In reality I pity you people, because you respect our garbage justice system. Maybe you are nationalistic, for me personally, I have no use for nationalism. If something is a piece of trash, I call it trash. And our justice system, including our Supreme Court, is trash and full of onion-skinned unethical retards. You don't need me to tell you that, deep down inside you know it. Average cases taking 5+ years, some taking 20, 30 years. Questionable decisions regarding plagiarism that has made us the laughing stock of the world. This is by far not the first awful decision our Supreme Court has made. That is why I say, to the people who are still giving the Supreme Court credit, you are gullible because you are. You're buying their justifications hook, line and sinker. So what else could define such a person, if not gullible.
Am I paranoid because I think our justice system is the worse in Asia, maybe I am. Then again, maybe all the investors are paranoid too because they all seem to agree that our justice system is like a monkey justice that makes investing in this country too risky and not worth their time. This is, by the way, the reason why Noynoy now guarantees all foreign investments from litigation risk, because he knows how awful our justice system can be for investors. Really, I could write a whole essay detailing why our justice system is awful and laughable when compared to other jurisdictions but why bother? You're just going to conclude that I'm a hater with no reason, because you love to convince yourself that they did right by justice here. Even your defense of the Supreme Court using slang in a ponencia is laughable. No other High Court in the world uses such language, it's demeaning to the dignity of the court and subjects it to ridicule.