Originally Posted by
Well, I bet the Webb's have all the money and power in the world to control the USA and have them submit a fake certification of Webb's stay in the USA and sent directly to the PH Govt. Or shall we wait for Wikileaks to show us a cable of this happening?
You don't need to control the U.S. to get this kind of fabrication going. You just need the cooperation of a few key low-ranking employees at the INS. The documentation released by the higher officials rely only on the documentation prepared by the lowly officer manning the immigration desk. And yes, that is possible and I know for a fact that it has happened.
Whether the maid and security is lying, it still boils down to Alfaro's testimony, her testimony is what's keeping the case alive.
Yes which makes it all the more important for the Supreme Court to justify its decision to make Alfaro look like a liar, even resorting to childishness by calling her names "pigeon stool"? What kind of dignified court resorts to that kind of nonsense? An American judge would hang himself out of embarrassment if he used that kind of kiddie language in his ponencia.
And as the court itself admitted, Alfaro has been a very valuable asset to the NBI even leading to the conviction of several drug lords. So there's no reason for the NBI to doubt her testimony, nor was there for the lower court. The Supreme Court not being a trier of facts, should not have been able to overturn the decision of the lower court which was in the sole position to judge the reliability of witnesses being the court that directly examined them. How the Court can rule on the reliability of a witness, without having seen the witness herself in court is beyond me. This is why in all jurisdictions that I know of, the Supreme Court is not allowed to try matters of facts, only matters of law. Apparently, the Philippines is a special jurisdiction, similar to how special children have Down's Syndrome.
If Webb has the influence and money, I bet the NBI also had the influence and power on the maid and security.
The NBI has more influence and money than the Webb? The NBI one of the most under-sourced institutions in the country? Give me a break. The Webb has the greatest influence over the maid, because uhm let's see
she's their damned maid for chrissakes. And over the security guard,
because he's a security guard in their subdivision for chrissakes.
Whatever happened to the maid or guard I guarantee you they are no longer working in that subdivision, so they have obviously lost something for testifying and now probably in fear of their lives at having a powerful enemy in an ex-Senator.
Just like what the SC stated, we should keep an open-mind in this case, but no matter how open my mind is, dili jud m.tugma ang testimony ni Alfaro. Why would Webb even throw a rock to break a glass door when their aim as suspects is to escape unnoticed? Or is it just to fill in a story to answer the physical evidence.
And keep an open mind about the possibility that our Supreme Court is a joke and that perhaps the perception that our justice system is garbage just might be true.
Why throw a rock to break the door? Gee whiz, the court's lack of imagination is absolutely shocking here! Maybe it's to make it appear that this was a break-in robbery as opposed to a rape by known friends of the victims? See how easy that is? If he didn't break the glass door, then the automatic presumption would be that the assailant is known to the victims, which would lead the police to the culprit much faster. In fact, this ruse may have worked, because it originally led to the police looking for a known gang in the area instead of looking for the real culprits.
EDIT, answer to the bolded text:
If he said it was possible, then why did he proclaim them guilty? He wasn't even sure if that's the case. There was no evidence to show that their influence and money was able to fabricate an OFFICIAL US GOVT DOCUMENT. And don't tell me Hubert swam to the USA just to evade immigrations, or he paid the US immigrations officer at the airport just to bypass being documented on his exit/entry to the USA. If so, then I pity the USA, I've always known they had the strictest immigrant entry in the world.
Hahah how naive. I can assure you it is possible to get this done and I know that it has been done. I know someone (I won't name names) who was able to get the immigration agent at the airport not to stamp his passport to make it appear that he was still in the U.S. (if you're wondering why, it's for green card minimum residency purposes). So if that is possible, I can assure you with money and influence other things are... what the lower court judge is doing is merely UPHOLDING a pre-existing doctrine laid down by no less than the Supreme Court itself. That is that uninterested third-party witnesses cannot be overturned merely by alibi, which is to be considered the weakest defense. I'm not making this up. The Supreme Court has basically overturned its own pre-existing doctrine and laid down another one. With this one case, they have changed the strength of alibi as a defense in our country, for better or worse. But no mistake about it, they have changed doctrine.