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  1. #11
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Who cares about freedom if people aren't eating three times a day? How is it a democratic country like the Philippines has a GDP per capita that is equal with North Korea, and has similar malnutrition levels? The west just doesn't understand that other people may have different points of view. Democracy is a western tradition so it's natural that the west would be obsessed with it. That doesn't mean it needs to be implemented everywhere. Democracy has been a complete failure here, and don't pretend it started with Marcos, we've had trouble with warlords and corrupt politicians from the time of President Aguinaldo onwards.

    And what kind of freedom does the Philippines have anyways it's laughable. A lot of people are desperate to leave the country, the media is controlled by the Lopezes and the people braindead from watching too much wowoweee. So we have elections every now and then but then nothing ever changes and people only vote because they want to be given money. That's what democracy is, Philippine style. The Greeks who invented it, would turn in their graves.
    My dear friend RMK711 ...

    I know you have this full orgasmic rush on everything about China . Don't cling too much on China cuz' they have their own set of flaws too . To tell you the truth , China is not really a communist country ! Their government are just masquerading as a communist . But in reality , they're running dictatorship . If they're really a communist , then they shouldn't allow private ownership . Why don't you immigrate to China if you like their system of government .

    It's because they have a high GDP doesn't mean the people there are mostly rich . GDP divided by the entire population of China ,you get a low per capita . There are obvious uneven distribution of wealth in China . Officials are corrupt . There are large population of Chinese families living in poverty just as in the Philippines , or any western country .

    CPC = Corruption Party of China .

    Human rights is important and it needs to be acknowledged everywhere in the world . The government should treat its citizen with respect , and give them liberty and the pursuit of happiness .


  2. #12
    @FAQ - every word you've written show your just racist. they allow private businesses only on special economic zones and personal belongings ( I mean dude the government wont want to do anything with you underwear nor your hair dryer) everything else is state owned and again no China is not run by a dictator, actually China is such a huge Capitalist Country thats why the west especially America wont shut up cuz they fear they will get beaten by thier own game, which in fact is currently happening. your saying that China having poor people is a bad thing? THAT"S 1.3 billion people your talking about and a country doesnt get rich overnight. pinoy mentality mana instant millionaire, and you think the US doesnt have poor people in thier country? the only difference between China and USA is that China list everthing when it comes into surverys while the USA has blank on nearly everything, try to goolge surveys in America and you'll only find "no data" in results or the date of the survey is way back 2007.

    Heres a fact you everyone should put into thier heads, The USA won the cold war againts Russia, you know what that means? it means they are very good and i mean very good at Propaganda = Lying.

    what RMK711 posted above is true, and yes the truth hurts but it needs to be said. you have to be stupid to follow a nation and trust them when they have nothing but suck up your natural resources for the last 50 years and left you dry and sold them back to you as commercial junk. And for what Democracy!? SERIOUSLY! when World War 2 ended there was a trend that America was seen as liberators and they hoped on that band wagon to get everyones side to them to counter the USSR which was freakingly powerfull at that time, but they needed a system in which they still can harvest resources from other nations freely without problems, thats where the word democracy comes in followed by Free Trade (theres nothing free nor fair when they get to decide how cheap your resource is and how sophiticated and expensive thiers are) and theres the WTO and lastly the I rule the world in diplomacy system called the UN (the UN which was in fact proven to be absolutely useless when the US invaded Iraq for oil and arms sales, and yes its oil and arms sales 80% of US economy runs on its war engine, wheres the chemical weapon? wheres the nuke? Iran just started to build thiers and Iraq has them when thier far behind Iran in terms of nuclear tech, yeah right).
    Last edited by wikki; 12-12-2010 at 09:37 PM.

  3. #13
    unsa kahay feeling ani sa? kanang naa ky award but gina did-an ka nga mo adto sa usa ka lugar pra lang mo dawat ana...

    mura cgr og graduation nimo pero wala ka nka attend ky gi-chicken pox ka...

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    My dear friend RMK711 ...

    I know you have this full orgasmic rush on everything about China . Don't cling too much on China cuz' they have their own set of flaws too . To tell you the truth , China is not really a communist country ! Their government are just masquerading as a communist . But in reality , they're running dictatorship . If they're really a communist , then they shouldn't allow private ownership . Why don't you immigrate to China if you like their system of government .
    Lol let's put aside your flowery language shall we? You're not even sticking to the topic. It isn't about my "orgasmic rush" on everything about China nor is it about how your butt got all wet with anticipation when your masters in the U.S. gave you a green card so you can escape grinding poverty in the Philippines. So get that through your head. It's not about China being communist either, just where in my post have I discussed communism? Huh!??

    Next I won't immigrate to China but I wouldn't mind it and neither do a lot of Filipinos, seeing as how so many of us migrate to Hong Kong (which is a part of China btw) just to work. But that's because even menial jobs there pay more than entry-level white collar jobs here. But being an OFW yourself, you would know that and don't need me to tell you. As I don't work low-level jobs, and have my own businesses, then this point is moot, there's no incentive for me to move to China. However that is a consequence of circumstance, not conviction. People will go where the money is.

    It's because they have a high GDP doesn't mean the people there are mostly rich . GDP divided by the entire population of China ,you get a low per capita . There are obvious uneven distribution of wealth in China . Officials are corrupt . There are large population of Chinese families living in poverty just as in the Philippines , or any western country .
    There you go again responding to things that were never mentioned by the poster you're responding to.

    CPC = Corruption Party of China .

    Human rights is important and it needs to be acknowledged everywhere in the world . The government should treat its citizen with respect , and give them liberty and the pursuit of happiness .

    There's corruption in China, but their leaders are much more competent than ours. If you don't believe me take some time and research the background of Hu Jintao, etc. and their qualifications. If you go to China you will see their massive infrastructure and the condition of their roads, public transport etc. Look also at the history of Asia, dictatorship here has not been as universally bad as the west would like everyone to think. Some of the richest countries today got there under a dictatorship, among them South Korea and Taiwan. The west tells us we need to be a democracy so we can prosper, but in reality they want us to be a democracy so they can corrupt our democratic processes and put people in charge who will sign lop-sided FTAs that benefit them. In practice though it's rather the opposite.. you need prosperity to have democracy. We know that to be the case in the Philippines where poverty turns the democratic exercise into a means for poor folks to make money from vote buying. Tell me what's democratic about that.. to me it looks like Yakuza politics.

    Chinese citizens are being treated with respect by their government, because their government is interested in their economic well-being. The rapid economic growth in that country proves that they doing a lot of things right, and that their policies are on the right track. Our government, supposedly democratic, doesn't respect its people. The present one, in particular, are masters of spin and PR tricks. From the hostage crisis to the Ay Ganda campaign, they are masters at revisionism and making noynoy appear innocent at all costs. Democracy here is a fake, if you believe in democracy you should ask for the real thing, not the crazy system that we currently have. Freedom here is also illusory, if we had real freedom then the ordinary person in the street would be able to walk up to the local politician and tell him how corrupt he is. Good luck doing that, though without ensuring the death of yourself and your family. In a lot of ways, parts of the Philippines is in more of a tyrannical state than China. If you don't believe me ask the victims of the Ampatuans or even go to Maguindanao and see for yourself.

    I think we would have been much better off as a dictatorship under Ramos. A lot of nation building was done during his time and he was a hardworker with a strong desire to see this country succeed. I'm not against democracy per se, I just believe that it needs to happen naturally as a country becomes richer and is able to sustain it when people are better educated, and not be forced upon a country that isn't ready for it like what happened to us.
    Last edited by RMK711; 12-13-2010 at 08:57 AM.

  5. #15
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikki View Post
    @FAQ - every word you've written show your just racist. they allow private businesses only on special economic zones and personal belongings ( I mean dude the government wont want to do anything with you underwear nor your hair dryer) everything else is state owned and again no China is not run by a dictator, actually China is such a huge Capitalist Country thats why the west especially America wont shut up cuz they fear they will get beaten by thier own game, which in fact is currently happening. your saying that China having poor people is a bad thing? THAT"S 1.3 billion people your talking about and a country doesnt get rich overnight. pinoy mentality mana instant millionaire, and you think the US doesnt have poor people in thier country? the only difference between China and USA is that China list everthing when it comes into surverys while the USA has blank on nearly everything, try to goolge surveys in America and you'll only find "no data" in results or the date of the survey is way back 2007.

    Heres a fact you everyone should put into thier heads, The USA won the cold war againts Russia, you know what that means? it means they are very good and i mean very good at Propaganda = Lying.

    what RMK711 posted above is true, and yes the truth hurts but it needs to be said. you have to be stupid to follow a nation and trust them when they have nothing but suck up your natural resources for the last 50 years and left you dry and sold them back to you as commercial junk. And for what Democracy!? SERIOUSLY! when World War 2 ended there was a trend that America was seen as liberators and they hoped on that band wagon to get everyones side to them to counter the USSR which was freakingly powerfull at that time, but they needed a system in which they still can harvest resources from other nations freely without problems, thats where the word democracy comes in followed by Free Trade (theres nothing free nor fair when they get to decide how cheap your resource is and how sophiticated and expensive thiers are) and theres the WTO and lastly the I rule the world in diplomacy system called the UN (the UN which was in fact proven to be absolutely useless when the US invaded Iraq for oil and arms sales, and yes its oil and arms sales 80% of US economy runs on its war engine, wheres the chemical weapon? wheres the nuke? Iran just started to build thiers and Iraq has them when thier far behind Iran in terms of nuclear tech, yeah right).
    For supporting Liu Xiao Bo - a non-Filipino - how am I a racist ? This thread is not about economic war starring US vs China , we're talking about Liu Xiao Bo here who got arrested and put behind bars for standing up for equality through peaceful demonstration .

    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Lol let's put aside your flowery language shall we? You're not even sticking to the topic. It isn't about my "orgasmic rush" on everything about China nor is it about how your butt got all wet with anticipation when your masters in the U.S. gave you a green card so you can escape grinding poverty in the Philippines. So get that through your head. It's not about China being communist either, just where in my post have I discussed communism? Huh!??

    Next I won't immigrate to China but I wouldn't mind it and neither do a lot of Filipinos, seeing as how so many of us migrate to Hong Kong (which is a part of China btw) just to work. But that's because even menial jobs there pay more than entry-level white collar jobs here. But being an OFW yourself, you would know that and don't need me to tell you. As I don't work low-level jobs, and have my own businesses, then this point is moot, there's no incentive for me to move to China. However that is a consequence of circumstance, not conviction. People will go where the money is.
    I've read most of your posts here , and you're strongly in support for China , therefore this has to do with your orgasmic rush to China . We can all tell from your post . Sooooo obvious !!!

    I don't think Filipino people will consider going to China for the reason that "that's where the money is" . China and its citizens hate the Philippines for the way our government handled the hostage crisis . They hate Filipinos too , for taking a happy group pictures and portraits in front of the crime scene . So what's the point of working there ?? Do you think there will be a lot of opportunities for Filipinos in that country ?? Hmmm ...

    There you go again responding to things that were never mentioned by the poster you're responding to.
    Yeah , what does your rants about malnutrition , our country having the same GDP as North Korea , Filipinos immigrating to another country , to Lopezs controlling the media has to do with the whole Liu Xiao Bo and his Nobel Prize award ? Goooo figure ...

    There's corruption in China, but their leaders are much more competent than ours. If you don't believe me take some time and research the background of Hu Jintao, etc. and their qualifications. If you go to China you will see their massive infrastructure and the condition of their roads, public transport etc. Look also at the history of Asia, dictatorship here has not been as universally bad as the west would like everyone to think. Some of the richest countries today got there under a dictatorship, among them South Korea and Taiwan. The west tells us we need to be a democracy so we can prosper, but in reality they want us to be a democracy so they can corrupt our democratic processes and put people in charge who will sign lop-sided FTAs that benefit them. In practice though it's rather the opposite.. you need prosperity to have democracy. We know that to be the case in the Philippines where poverty turns the democratic exercise into a means for poor folks to make money from vote buying. Tell me what's democratic about that.. to me it looks like Yakuza politics.
    Just because their leaders "are much more competent than ours" doesn't mean they're getting off-the-hook from their graft and corruption . Dude , you're confusing Democracy to Capitalism . Philippines as a democratic country has nothing to do why our country of yours is so poor . It's because Philippines is struggling paying off ridiculous amount of debts otherwise you will see "massive infrastructure and the condition of their roads, public transport etc." that you've been lucid dreaming about .

    It's people's choice to get money in exchange for votes , I thought you're old enough to know about this kind of stuffs are strongly discouraged . It's their choice to get exploited .

    Chinese citizens are being treated with respect by their government, because their government is interested in their economic well-being. The rapid economic growth in that country proves that they doing a lot of things right, and that their policies are on the right track. Our government, supposedly democratic, doesn't respect its people. The present one, in particular, are masters of spin and PR tricks. From the hostage crisis to the Ay Ganda campaign, they are masters at revisionism and making noynoy appear innocent at all costs. Democracy here is a fake, if you believe in democracy you should ask for the real thing, not the crazy system that we currently have. Freedom here is also illusory, if we had real freedom then the ordinary person in the street would be able to walk up to the local politician and tell him how corrupt he is. Good luck doing that, though without ensuring the death of yourself and your family. In a lot of ways, parts of the Philippines is in more of a tyrannical state than China. If you don't believe me ask the victims of the Ampatuans or even go to Maguindanao and see for yourself.
    If stripping-off freedoms of its citizen is a form of "respect" , then you must have a serious brain damage . I applaud China for focusing mainly on economic because their citizens are somewhat benifited by it , but HUMAN RIGHTS has to come first ! The Chinese people are being exploited and treated as a slaves by the CPC . No one has the right to "own" people and make them as slaves .

    I think we would have been much better off as a dictatorship under Ramos. A lot of nation building was done during his time and he was a hardworker with a strong desire to see this country succeed. I'm not against democracy per se, I just believe that it needs to happen naturally as a country becomes richer and is able to sustain it when people are better educated, and not be forced upon a country that isn't ready for it like what happened to us.
    If you're into being oppressed , and desires to be treated like those characters in Ayn Rand's "Anthem" , then move to China or any communist country . My family immigrated to Canada in 1999 (we're not US citizen obviously and we don't hold a "green card") because we don't like the Philippines anymore . It's that simple . If you don't like the country , MOVE OUT !! You don't have to drag people along to a communist country with you and attempt to corrupt young minds of some iStoryans here about how you think COMMUNISM is the best .

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    I've read most of your posts here , and you're strongly in support for China , therefore this has to do with your orgasmic rush to China . We can all tell from your post . Sooooo obvious !!!
    Support = orgasmic rush? So if you support your father, you have an orgasmic rush? Or if you support your kids, you have an orgasmic rush for them? Don't that kinda sound nuts?

    Maybe you're the one orgasmic for Canada, because they tossed you a bone so you could crawl out of our country and into the milk of their breasts. Now you can't have enough of Canada and its values and no doubt want to implement Canadian style democracy in China disregarding the fact that such an alien concept grafted onto an Asian country would result in a frankenstein similar to our failed democracy here.

    I don't think Filipino people will consider going to China for the reason that "that's where the money is" . China and its citizens hate the Philippines for the way our government handled the hostage crisis . They hate Filipinos too , for taking a happy group pictures and portraits in front of the crime scene . So what's the point of working there ?? Do you think there will be a lot of opportunities for Filipinos in that country ?? Hmmm ...
    What you think is irrelevant. The fact is many Filipinos work in Hong Kong and China.

    Yeah , what does your rants about malnutrition , our country having the same GDP as North Korea , Filipinos immigrating to another country , to Lopezs controlling the media has to do with the whole Liu Xiao Bo and his Nobel Prize award ? Goooo figure ...
    It has something to do with western-style freedom and democracy not being as important as the western crusaders and their lapdogs want us to think.

    Just because their leaders "are much more competent than ours" doesn't mean they're getting off-the-hook from their graft and corruption . Dude , you're confusing Democracy to Capitalism . Philippines as a democratic country has nothing to do why our country of yours is so poor . It's because Philippines is struggling paying off ridiculous amount of debts otherwise you will see "massive infrastructure and the condition of their roads, public transport etc." that you've been lucid dreaming about .
    They aren't getting off the hook, many officials are executed every year for corruption and/or incompetence. We didn't always have this debt, and even back then we never had the rapid development that China now enjoys. It isn't the debt that is the problem, it's not as large as you think. We are a resource-rich country and now we even have sizable oil deposits, so aren't we just making excuses for the failure of our democracy?

    Our flawed democracy and freedoms are illusory, there is no real freedom here because most people are poor, uneducated and have no power. We only have freedom on a piece of paper. The only true freedom here is the freedom to immigrate out of the country, an option your family availed. But if you leave some family behind, then you become a slave to remittances which our government will gladly milk you for. That's if you recall how proud Gloria was that we have so many OFW workers working crappy jobs in Saudi Arabia...

    in fact it is
    It's people's choice to get money in exchange for votes , I thought you're old enough to know about this kind of stuffs are strongly discouraged . It's their choice to get exploited .
    So what makes you think Chinese people aren't choosing to remain the status quo in China? How do you know they aren't content in keeping the system the way it is, just as long as economic progress continues. Even the government there realizes that their stability depends on continued economic progress. That alone is evidence that as long as citizens are happy with the progress they are making, there is no desire to bring about a collapse of the government just so the U.S. can install a puppet to do its bidding. Because there is no desire for revolution from within, these pro-western countries are agitating from outside.

    If stripping-off freedoms of its citizen is a form of "respect" , then you must have a serious brain damage . I applaud China for focusing mainly on economic because their citizens are somewhat benifited by it , but HUMAN RIGHTS has to come first ! The Chinese people are being exploited and treated as a slaves by the CPC . No one has the right to "own" people and make them as slaves .
    Freedom is so much more than just being able to have elections every 4-6 years or having an out of control media circus. Human rights cannot happen if a country is poor. Human rights and democracy are separate issues. Most Chinese enjoy a wide range of civil rights, whilst many of us Pinoys don't enjoy even basic human rights like access to food, shelter and clothing.

    My family immigrated to Canada in 1999 (we're not US citizen obviously and we don't hold a "green card") because we don't like the Philippines anymore . It's that simple . If you don't like the country , MOVE OUT !! You don't have to drag people along to a communist country with you and attempt to corrupt young minds of some iStoryans here about how you think COMMUNISM is the best .
    You're in Canada, you like it there. The Philippines is in Asia, and abides by Asian values. Western-style democracy works in Canada, because it's a western country. Democracy doesn't work in the Philippines, because it's a poor Asian country with a large mass of uneducated people. If you don't understand that, then there's no helping you. We are an Asian country living in denial of our Asian cultural tendencies. That is why we are a failure.
    Last edited by RMK711; 12-14-2010 at 01:28 AM.

  7. #17
    @FAQ - Liu is clearly just a card being playerd by the west to distabilize China and its growing economy, you keep on saying that China has no human rights, have you ever been to China? if the situation theres is really as bad as the west is saying it wont take long for 1.3 billion of its people to notice. whats actually happening is the complete opposite People in Hong Kong actually wants the Mainland to take over governace instead of the puppets placed there by the West and even Taiwan (its people not the politicians) want to unite with China.

    and everyone keeps saying the did this and did that, clearly put an example of human rights abuse thats being done frequently and not just an isolated case blown up by western media. you talk about human rights being bad in China you obviously don't know what kind of media filtering the west does when it comes to that matter in thier own side. try asking people actually living in the country before you jump onto the bandwagon and start saying crap about them.

    obviously journalist who are stuck up with thier daily routine of coffee, yoga and bordome and thier freakin Macs seems to know more about China while they literally live thier entire life in the same City/Town without even stepping foot on China once. O_o duhh facts? really??.

  8. #18
    ^ Yea, western definition of human rights is mainly about elections that they can dictate so they can install their puppets in government. Ask any African American living in South Carolina or any Mexican living in Arizona what they think about human rights in their countries. Or ask any low-income person who gets arrested in the Philippines about human rights here.

    If you say China is a repressive government then you're stuck in a mental time warp that the Americans constructed for you. The best way to educate yourself is to go to China and ask the people there what they think so you'll know how wrong you are about this imaginary oppression you've convinced yourself is real. There's no clamor at all for government change there, they are too busy building their country and becoming rich.

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