NDA - If you are not familiar with that, Im not surprise the level where you at. I dont pick clients or work. Like i said in my previous post, We do the Dirty work they outsource to us. Obviously You arent in this business for a long while. SEO outsouce work with each other
Lets say i have this PRODUCT "backlink power" Then another SEO has "backlink Booster". - Since Im smart
I will talk partnership with the Fellow SEO and not try to compete with him. Then I can offer a NEW services combining both products to my existing clients.
NDA is common practice bro to protect you and your client. Obviously you only had a few Big cLients. If you get a Really Big Client then contact me I can give you NDA to protect your interest as well not just your client.
you know what to do so these clients won't know of course you're an seo.
I sign a multi million contract,long term service and I have 45 people Staff that depends on me. you think i will breach that contract satisfy your curiosity?
SEO dont talk about clients period. Well maybe in this level its ok to you guys.. but on the other side of the fence we dont.
Ok since i have time lets educate this "SEO" people here.
Why clients dont want people to know they are using your service?
If your service works, then people will use your service. The clients competition will use your service as well. Now if it does wonder clients site, then the client dont want competition using same system (usually they think of you as Secret Weapon). in my part as well, I dont want them to know clients competing against each other using me
more client more money. if they know they want to have exclusivity which is understandable. U dont want that. less money.
Whats NDA?
Non disclosure Agreement. This protect the client. if client gives you "Asset" like sites, passwords and other stuff that can be use against them. It also protect them by you not turning against them like competing with them in the Future. I modified the NDA that protects our side as well and seems acceptable to them.
You see, this business if you want to make it big is not just spamming and stuff. What am telling you guys now is when you make it big already, this stuff are the ones you deal with, there is no school that can teach you to manage online business. I learn all this the hard way. When you make it big someday, comeback to this thread and see ur replies, its worth the laugh.