View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #2161

    suwayi pag buhi og 5 ka anak dodong.. maau man kaha ka beh..

    you mr manny are blind to the problems facing parents everyday..

    before you say anything about parenthood, be a parent itself so you can at the very least put some substance to this argument..

    its easy for you to say something that you yourself arent doing...


    Epic fail..

  2. #2162
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    another so called "expert opinions" from so called "experts"
    those are just opinions of other people.. not actual facts..
    or worse.. only half truths and altered facts...
    Oh and you are an expert with the facts? Don't make me laugh!

    The pill is abortifacient. That is a reality that you cannot cover up.

    More facts:

    Numerous experts have shown in peer-reviewed studies published in reputable journals that overpopulation is a myth.

    In his paper, "A Primer on the proposed Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood, and Population Development Consolidated Bill," Dr. Roberto de Vera states:

    Nobel prize winner Simon Kuznets's pioneering study contained in his 1966 book Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure and Spread ( pp. 67-68 ) showed that "[n]o clear association appears to exist in the present sample of countries, or is likely to exist in other developed countries, between rates of growth of population and of product per capita."

    Other studies have confirmed Kuznets's findings, showing no clear link between population growth and economic growth (or poverty). Here are the findings for five studies:

    (1) the 1992 Ross Levine and David Renelt study of the relationship between growth and its determinants found no significant effect of population growth on economic growth;

    (2) the 1994 Jeff King and Lant Pritchett study arrived at a similar finding where they allowed the effect of population on economic growth to vary according to the level of development and resource scarcity;

    (3) in a 1996 review of the population-growth-poverty relationship, Dennis Ahlburg points out that studies have shown population growth has little or no effect on poverty;

    (4) in a 2004 study examining the determinants of long-term growth, Gernot Dopelhoffer, Ronald Miller, and Xavier Sala-I-Martin, found that average annual population growth from 1960-1990 was not robustly correlated with economic growth;

    (5) the 2007 Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wößmann study found that total fertility rates, which can be seen as an alternative measure of population growth, did not have a statistically significant association with population growth.

    Similar conclusions have been arrived at by the US National Research Council in 1986 and in the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Consultative Meeting of Economists in 1992.

    Dr. de Vera and those experts he cites are far more credible than you any day of the week.

    Please sign the online petition supporting the pro-life bill
    of Congressman Roilo Golez (HB13)

  3. #2163
    your so called experts havent gone to the slums in the phils yet...

    anybody can search google, youtube, wikipedia then call themselves experts...

    it doesnt take an expert to know the reality of out country...

    you really know nothing bout parenting.. and by what you've posted earlier it clearly shows that you make an irresponsible parent...

    so if overpopulation is myth? any suggestions to alleviate poverty?.. government dole-outs, government do this, government do that, the communist is strong in you. we live on a democratic country, therefore you alone are responsible for your choices... instead of asking what the country can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for your country...

  4. #2164
    for the sake of acedemic debate, id like to point out the flaws of your arguments
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Nobel prize winner Simon Kuznets's pioneering study contained in his 1966 book Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure and Spread ( pp. 67-68 ) showed that "[n]o clear association appears to exist in the present sample of countries, or is likely to exist in other developed countries, between rates of growth of population and of product per capita."
    when was 1966? that was almost 50 years? the world is much different from way back then.. have ever heard of the "baby-boomer generation" it was the generation after this guys.. there are so many parameters that are so different right now than when the study was conducted..

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    (1) the 1992 Ross Levine and David Renelt study of the relationship between growth and its determinants found no significant effect of population growth on economic growth;
    there could be population growth even if their is economic stagnation... (ex. certain parts of africa).. though infant mortality is affected so much..
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    (2) the 1994 Jeff King and Lant Pritchett study arrived at a similar finding where they allowed the effect of population on economic growth to vary according to the level of development and resource scarcity;
    the rich and the poor are same humans.. fertility is not an issue.. the issue here is the quality of life those children will live

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    (3) in a 1996 review of the population-growth-poverty relationship, Dennis Ahlburg points out that studies have shown population growth has little or no effect on poverty;
    what he should have studied is the birth-rate among the classes.. and also, please state his sample population..

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    (4) in a 2004 study examining the determinants of long-term growth, Gernot Dopelhoffer, Ronald Miller, and Xavier Sala-I-Martin, found that average annual population growth from 1960-1990 was not robustly correlated with economic growth;
    population growth is not directly affected by economic growth.. and vice versa.. you could have an unemployment rate of 90% (example only) while having an economic growth.. (ex. india) as long as the 10% is productive with net profit then the economy will grow.. what the study failed to see is the social impact it has.. what will the unemployed 90% do for sustenance?
    to preserve the quality of life, population growth should be at par with economic growth..

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    (5) the 2007 Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wößmann study found that total fertility rates, which can be seen as an alternative measure of population growth, did not have a statistically significant association with population growth.
    again, fertility is not really an issue, both the rich and poor have the same fertility...
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Similar conclusions have been arrived at by the US National Research Council in 1986 and in the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Consultative Meeting of Economists in 1992.
    1992 was almost twenty years ago.. the study is outdated...

    what you fail to consider is the quality of life... more population means more people sharing the limited resources.. people are FORCED to give up some privileges in-order to support the additional number of people.. therefore quality of life is affected..

    in the phils, there are more people born into poverty... it doesnt take an expert to know that. just talk to people belonging to the worker class..

  5. #2165
    each of us has its own point of view.. and this is going on and on.. a never ending discussion.
    instead lets promote: responsible parenthood, educate the people, more livelihood/jobs, discipline the people and start it within ourselves for a change.

  6. #2166
    ^^amen to that!

  7. #2167
    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    each of us has its own point of view.. and this is going on and on.. a never ending discussion.
    instead lets promote: responsible parenthood, educate the people, more livelihood/jobs, discipline the people and start it within ourselves for a change.
    perfectly agree on that...

    educate the people..

    but there are some people here who participate in mis-information and intelectual dishonesty

  8. #2168
    kaning simbahan ba wa gyud ni sila maghuna-huna. kung uso pa unta to ang abortion ug contraceptives sa una, basig dili na mahimugso ning kalibutana ang nag pasi-ugda nianang rh bill. wala unta silay labad ron.

  9. #2169
    Quote Originally Posted by bossdak View Post
    kaning simbahan ba wa gyud ni sila maghuna-huna. kung uso pa unta to ang abortion ug contraceptives sa una, basig dili na mahimugso ning kalibutana ang nag pasi-ugda nianang rh bill. wala unta silay labad ron.
    or basin wala na pod unta ka karon diri... be thankful for that.

  10. #2170
    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    or basin wala na pod unta ka karon diri... be thankful for that.
    wa pud unta ko roy problema.

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