kindly chk guys...
function return
case: table Billings has no records and yet the function return BILL EXIST (response.write("bill exist") that supposedly return "CREATE NEW BILL.... any idea saon pag fix? ty..
option explicit
dim strBillingperiod, strPeriodCovered, _
conBill, rsChkBill, strChkBillQuery
strBillingperiod= Request.Form("cboBillingPeriod")
strperiodcovered= Request.Form("cboPeriodCovered")
'if Trim(strBillingperiod) = "" OR Trim(strperiodcovered) = "" Then _
'Response.Write("error") 'Response.Redirect("Loginfailureform.asp")
set conbill = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conbill.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db/IAccnt.mdb")
if isvalidbilling(strBillingperiod,strPeriodCovered) =true then Response.Write("Create New Bill") else Response.Write("bil exist")
'some codes here...
function isvalidbilling(byval argBillPeriod, byval argPeriodCover)
strChkBillQuery = "SELECT BillingPeriod, periodcover FROM Billings WHERE billingperiod='" & argBillPeriod & "' AND periodcover ='" & argPeriodCover & "'"
Set rsChkBill = conBill.Execute(strChkBillQuery)
if rsChkBill.bof=false and rschkbill.eof=false then isvalidbilling=true
rsChkBill.close:set rsChkBill=nothing
end function