Originally Posted by
manny, contraceptives are not abortifacients. Who told you they were? They need to review their notes in college or sue their college professor.

You are right, contraceptives are not supposed to be a abortifacients, but that is not always the case. Instead of preventing conception (fertilization), it prevents implantation in some cases, so it acts as abortifacient rather than contraceptive. I just read that idea somewhere and I just want to share it with you.
The classical definition of the word “contraception” comes from the Latin (contra = opposed to, and concepto = conceive.)
The most common forms of contraception today — IUDs, low-dose oral contraceptive pills, which are the safest type of oral contraceptive pills available — act as abortifacients. abortifacients end the life of the early developing human being after the sperm and egg have been united.