pope is not God dont follow him!
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pope is not God dont follow him!
and who are you to judge hitler? if you go to heaven and meet hitler there, what would you tell him?
so ur God has given you power to pass judgment upon other people?
there are actually groups who think his actions as just.. there are still people who believe saddam hussein was a good man..
im amoral.. things happen as they are, depending on their purpose and circumstance, those that work are acceptable, those that are just wasting resources (unncesarry murder as well as unnecessary support of life is a waste of human life and resources) are unacceptable.
morality is just your preference, what you think is good is right, what you think is not good is evil..
thats that...
s3x is a biological function.. just like food and water, it is essential to existence.. you cant stop people from wanting more water or food even if they have adequate, its natural urge of man to secure adequate resources to preserve life or survival as a species.. artificial measures have to be taken to limit such natural urges.. (ex.. in terms of food, it would be rationing)..
while science is dessiminating information, there are religious groups who by their blind self-righteousness are being counterproductive to such actions (example is the whole RH-bill argument by the catholic church)
Humanity judged him,and I'm a part of that humanity,and who are you to judge hitler? if you go to heaven and meet hitler there, what would you tell him?
so ur God has given you power to pass judgment upon other people?
there are actually groups who think his actions as just.. there are still people who believe saddam hussein was a good man..
im amoral.. things happen as they are, depending on their purpose and circumstance, those that work are acceptable, those that are just wasting resources (unncesarry murder as well as unnecessary support of life is a waste of human life and resources) are unacceptable.
morality is just your preference, what you think is good is right, what you think is not good is evil..
thats that...
he committed that so horrendous deeds, killing millions of innocent people.
If your definition of morality is the freewill of killing, then where would that lead us to.
we would end up killing each other.
What about helping each other I think it is more correct in stature.
GOD is there reigning for good deeds,
we are not forced to follow him,
but if you are so fond with good sublime deeds
you are always inclined to follow GOD
Yup, so do are animals,s3x is a biological function.. just like food and water, it is essential to existence.. you cant stop people from wanting more water or food even if they have adequate, its natural urge of man to secure adequate resources to preserve life or survival as a species.. artificial measures have to be taken to limit such natural urges.. (ex.. in terms of food, it would be rationing)..
while science is dessiminating information, there are religious groups who by their blind self-righteousness are being counterproductive to such actions (example is the whole RH-bill argument by the catholic church)
but we are human beings,
we should learn to respect our sexuality,
being the most intelligent.
war is a justification for killing people... there is always an excuse to kill just because it is in the best interest of one (in terms of survival) to take something from another. if im not mistaken, there are stories in the bible bout God's people brutally killing inhabitants including women and children and livestock of rival states.. and it was done with the approval of your god..
by your logic therefore Humanity is unable to follow God's words of not judging others..
humans so engaged in self deception that they welcome the idea to have come from of angels than the ugly reality that they are distant cousins of apes...
the failure of intelligence of humans as well as other mammals is that they dont have a sense of size of the community to the point of overpopulating (as the saying goes "multiply like rabbits")
i prefer the line "tame our sexuality".. whatever means necessary and effective..
Moarag OT na kaayo ta Lox, pero sige lang.war is a justification for killing people... there is always an excuse to kill just because it is in the best interest of one (in terms of survival) to take something from another. if im not mistaken, there are stories in the bible bout God's people brutally killing inhabitants including women and children and livestock of rival states.. and it was done with the approval of your god..
by your logic therefore Humanity is unable to follow God's words of not judging others..
Then why we have the Geneva convention the United Nation,
if you say that war is justified?
No what they did long time ago is just the fruit of their devotion
towards GOD, remember "Thou shalt not kill" is the true commandment of GOD.
humans so engaged in self deception that they welcome the idea to have come from of angels than the ugly reality that they are distant cousins of apes...
the failure of intelligence of humans as well as other mammals is that they dont have a sense of size of the community to the point of overpopulating (as the saying goes "multiply like rabbits")
i prefer the line "tame our sexuality".. whatever means necessary and effective..
Well, it serves us best, does it?
It's not self deception but self actualization of doing what should be good and upright
beneficial to everyone.
What would happen if we already imposed family planning before,
do you think that we would progress without human beings behind it.
So far the church agreed nowadays about the control of overpopulation
but in a natural sense, through that what so called rhytm method.
Last edited by Tirong-say; 11-27-2010 at 05:04 PM.
war is just an extension of politics.. self-preservation is a very high priority even if it means harming others..
it meant "thou shalt not kill if it is not needed"... look in the bible, there are many instances your god ordered the killings of others some of them necessary for the survival of the jewish state..
rythm method is not enough, its not very effective and worse, there are many who dont get it right (wrond understanding), it doesnt even prevent HIVs n STD.. modern methods should be taught though let the users decide for themselves in the end which method they will use.. it would be against the principles of democracy where information is not made accessible in order to limit the choices to be made...
freedom thru education and scientific enlightenment..
if there was family planning before, we wouldnt be in this sh!t right now.. or at the very least, we have could have ample time to prepare..
theres no such thing as benificial to everyone.. theres no such thing as something for nothing. everything has a cost.. the cost of a few justifies the benifit of the many... what may be not right in the eyes of the church officials maybe benificial to more filipinoes...
Last edited by AmorsoloX; 11-26-2010 at 11:33 PM.
now this has gone from current events to SnO thread.... LOLs
its about time the church must consider regarding the use of condoms.. its one of the best ways pag control sa spread of disease and also sa population sa philippines.. maayu lagi unta to if manganak ug daghan kay sila ang mu pakaon and mu pa eskwela sa mga bata.. dili ra ba gyud..
i dont have anything against the church..its just that they have to consider the use of contraceptives as a means of controlling unwanted pregnancies.. dili man jud na malihayan mag make love ang mga partners coz its a bilogical need.. we're only humans.. lets face it, lisud gyud kaayu ng abstinence..
mao nang gusto ang mga pari managhan ta para naay daghan mangiskwela sa ilang skwelahan nga mahal kaayo. unya ang dili ka afford kay mag ampo sa simbahan nga makadaug sa lotto para maka pa eskwela sa ilang anak. nya samtang naa sila sa simbahan, hadlokon pud dayon sa pari nga kung gamay ray limos kay gamay ra pud ilang grasya nga madawat. kakwarta napud ang simbahan. nya ig bahin nila sa kita mo ingon dayon ang pari nga "ginoo imo kini tanan" nya itsa dayon sa langit ang kwarta "pero ang mubalik sa yuta amo-a".
nya kana pud nga ilang gi promote nga natural method kay sweto man kaayo sila ana. kita ba gud kag pari ni palit ug condom? nya madre nga ni palit ug contraceptive pills? mo ingon sila nga abstinence nalang kuno pero tagsa ra man say pari nga naay prostate cancer. aw basin kada domingo ug palm sunday siguro.
OT:war is just an extension of politics.. self-preservation is a very high priority even if it means harming others..
it meant "thou shalt not kill if it is not needed"... look in the bible, there are many instances your god ordered the killings of others some of them necessary for the survival of the jewish state..
I do believe that there is no contention if there is no agression;
war is not really the solution, it's human affinity and full understanding that is needed. We should
unite as a whole, that is why the United Nation is being created.
No, there is no direct command from GOD that such should be done,
the war before with the persians was essentially man made.
Stick to one partner I think is the best way in not contracting the AIDS virus and other STD's. Rhytm method is very effective, what's lacking is a thorough understanding about this method and the dissemination of the gathered information.rythm method is not enough, its not very effective and worse, there are many who dont get it right (wrond understanding), it doesnt even prevent HIVs n STD.. modern methods should be taught though let the users decide for themselves in the end which method they will use.. it would be against the principles of democracy where information is not made accessible in order to limit the choices to be made...
freedom thru education and scientific enlightenment..
if there was family planning before, we wouldnt be in this sh!t right now.. or at the very least, we have could have ample time to prepare..
theres no such thing as benificial to everyone.. theres no such thing as something for nothing. everything has a cost.. the cost of a few justifies the benifit of the many... what may be not right in the eyes of the church officials maybe benificial to more filipinoes...
The church already addressed the conflict, but still upholding the very foundation of their belief,
and I guess is what the church should do in the first place. Let me reiterate that they do agree with the rhytm method, re-adjusting to that dilemma.
There is always that thing called beneficial to everyone, we call it fairness.
Limitting human beings capacity to flourish before,
would retard our progress, we need manpower to move us forward,
Last edited by Tirong-say; 11-27-2010 at 07:39 PM.
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