View Poll Results: Do you agree with the Pope's comments on condom use?

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  • Yes

    51 75.00%
  • No

    9 13.24%
  • No comment

    8 11.76%
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Results 111 to 120 of 186
  1. #111

    naa ra ba ni ka atbang nga thread...

  2. #112
    ^how about we let him try f**king a proo without a condom? ? ?

    i'd be glad to pay for the proo....

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by cobraKing View Post
    krn nlng cla nag pakabana sa condom na sauna rman ni na imbinto..
    actually panahon pa na ni Marcos ang mga contraceptives including condoms.. still naa may nag gamit sa una but wala pay sakto na education about aning proper use ug right intentions when ni e-use. Cguro karon lang ni brad na emphasize kaau kay rampant na ang HIV, and maski diri sa cebu ang HIV/AIDS cases are still rising.. alarming na kaau. So it may be assumed that this could be a desperate move na e promote ang use sa condom labi na sa female *** workers. Naa ra jd sa tao na ang responsibilidad. Im more concerned on preventing the spread of the virus.. dili man gud lalim masakit ug AIDS/HIV.. seen a documentary ani sa mga AIDS/HIV victims including mga children luoy kaau.

  4. #114
    New Drug Research, Incidence Rates And Pope's Comments Brighten AIDS Outlook

    The Associated Press: "In the nearly 30 years the AIDS epidemic has raged, there has never been a more hopeful day than this. Three striking developments took place Tuesday: U.N. officials said new HIV cases are dropping dramatically worldwide. A study showed that a daily pill already on pharmacy shelves could help prevent new infections in gay men. And the pope opened the way for the use of condoms to prevent AIDS" (Marchione, 11/23).

    The Boston Globe: "The same drugs that seemingly have transformed the HIV infection from a death sentence to a chronic disease can also help protect gay men from being infected with the virus in the first place. ... A study conducted in Boston and 10 other sites worldwide found that among men at high risk for contracting the AIDS-causing virus, those randomly assigned to take a daily antiretroviral pill were 44 percent less likely to become infected than those receiving a dummy pill. The infection risk was even more dramatically reduced among men who faithfully took the pills." Experts also now say the discovery offers them "a powerful new tool" in the form of a drug that is already widely available (Cooney, 11/24).

    MSNBC: This finding reignites questions and discussions about how best to use resources in the battle against HIV/AIDS. "The once-a-day pill that can cut HIV infection by as much as 70 percent among gay men who take it faithfully, according to a U.S. government study, is a major public health accomplishment that could save untold number of lives." But "how often should someone be given a pill that can be expensive? There is enormous range in prices. In the United States the retail price is about $1,000 a month. In third world countries, there are generic versions available for about $15 a month. ... Even in the U.S. not everyone has easy access to the drugs because of financial restraints. Is the best use of resources of treatment drugs to use them for prevention?" (Bazell, 11/23).

    The New York Times: "AIDS experts and the researchers issued several caveats about the study's limitations, emphasizing that it looked only at gay men and [the medicine] Truvada. More studies, now under way, are needed to see whether the results can be duplicated, whether other antiretroviral drugs will work and whether they will protect heterosexual men and women, prostitutes and drug users who share needles" (McNeil, 11/23)

    NPR Shots Blog: These findings are just part of the message that the AIDS/HIV outlook is not all gloom and doom. "Nearly 20 percent fewer people are dying of AIDS than in 2004, largely because of new treatments. Just yesterday, we reported on a promising new daily regimen to prevent HIV transmission." But there is still reason for concern, notably that "these gains are at risk in a world struggling with economic stagnation. That has Michel Sibidé, the head of UNAIDS, deeply worried." NPR features an edited transcript of a conversation with him (Knox, 11/24).

    Catholic News Agency: Meanwhile, the buzz continues on Pope Benedict's comments on condom use, from his new book. "The Vatican's own newspaper had broken the official embargo on the book over the weekend, releasing fragments of the Pope's remarks about using condoms to fight the spread of AIDS in Africa. The excerpts caused a storm of media controversy — with many suggesting that the Pope had changed the Church's teaching forbidding the use of artificial means of birth control." But a veteran Vatican correspondent said "the Pope was offering a realistic approach to a very difficult moral and public health issue" (11/23).

    New Drug Research, Incidence Rates And Pope's Comments Brighten AIDS Outlook - Kaiser Health News

  5. #115

  6. #116
    dili man lang kay sa s3xual contact ra makuha ang HIV/AIDS. so dili sa tanan higayon maka tabang ang condom. mao nga nisaka jud ang kaso sa pinas.

  7. #117
    The pope is just being realistic about the actual state of humanity nowadays,
    He cannot judge, for GOD is only the judge, he can only guide and of course
    the scheme would not be realized without any cooperation and concurrence.

    The Pope still tried to salvage lives out of the decaying basal of morality,
    such an immoral deeds our response of his good teachings towards us.

  8. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    dili man lang kay sa s3xual contact ra makuha ang HIV/AIDS. so dili sa tanan higayon maka tabang ang condom. mao nga nisaka jud ang kaso sa pinas.
    oo daghan naman pod addict gamit ug injections.. but still contributing ghapon ang s*xual contact mao na it's better na be responsible if dili na ma pugngan ang biga.

  9. #119
    IMHO prevention is better than cure

    prevention= self discipline

  10. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by rare_phoenix View Post
    IMHO prevention is better than cure

    prevention= self discipline
    last resort of prevention ghapon na ang condom.. no such thing as cure sa AIDS/HIV pa karon. Prevention/self discipline is effective jud..hehehe

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